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Thread: Temperature Converter Program is not running properly

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Temperature Converter Program is not running properly

    I used netbeans to create the program below. Everything seems to run fine except my "FtoC" function doesn't run. It just returns to the initial conversion question. Any hints???

    package tempconverter;
    import java.util.Scanner;
     * @author jessie
    public class TempConverter {
        static Scanner sc= new Scanner(System.in);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
          int cType = 0;
          int getCType = 0;
          System.out.println("Welcome to the Temperature Converter");
          cType = getCType();   
          while (cType != 0){
            if (cType == 1) {
            }  else if (cType == 2) {
            } //else {
              //System.out.println("Illegal value: Please enter 1,2, or 0");
            cType = getCType();
          System.out.println("Thanks for using the temperature converter");  
        }//end of main
        public static int getCType(){
            int ct;
            do {
         System.out.print("Select Conversion Type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end)"); 
            try {    
              ct = sc.nextInt();
              if (ct != 0 && ct != 1 && ct != 2){
              System.out.println("Illegal value: must be an integer of 0,1, or 2");    
            } catch (Exception e){
          ct = -1;
            }while (ct != 0 && ct != 2);
        return ct; 
        } //end of getCType     
     public static void FtoC() {         
         double c,f; 
         System.out.print("Enter your Fahrenheit temperature");
         f = sc.nextDouble();
         c = 5.0 / 9.0 * (f - 32.0);
         System.out.println("A Temp of " + f + " Fahrenheit converted to Celsius = " + c + "C");
     } //end of FtoC  
     public static void CtoF(){
         double f,c;
         System.out.print("Enter your Celsius temperature");
         c = sc.nextDouble();
         f = 9.0 / 5.0 * c + 32.0;
         System.out.println("A Temp of " + c + " Celsius converted to Fahrenheit = " + f + "F");
     }//end of CtoF

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Temperature Converter Program is not running properly

    Can you copy the contents of the console window for when you execute the program and post it here?
    Add some comments to the printout saying what is wrong with the output and show what it should be.

    On windows: To copy the contents of the command prompt window:
    Click on Icon in upper left corner
    Select Edit
    Select 'Select All' - The selection will show
    Click in upper left again
    Select Edit and click 'Copy'

    Paste here.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Temperature Converter Program is not running properly

    Here's a portion that's running correctly and shows something similar to what should be happening. When I enter 2, it asks for the Celsius temp to convert, converts it, and goes back to the beginning.

    Welcome to the Temperature Converter
    Select Conversion Type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end) 2
    Enter your Celsius temperature 12
    A Temp of 12.0 Celsius converted to Fahrenheit = 53.6F
    Select Conversion Type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end)

    For FtoC, or Fahrenheit to Celsius (the portion not running correctly), I get the following. When I enter 1 it just cycles back around to the "make the selection" question. I don't know enough about what I'm doing to recognize my coding error.

    Welcome to the Temperature Converter
    Select Conversion Type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end) 1
    Select Conversion Type (1=F to C, 2=C to F, 0=end)

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Temperature Converter Program is not running properly

    Try debugging the code by adding some println statements that show where the execution flow is going and what the values of the variables are as it executes so you can see what the computer sees as the program is executed.

    Are you saying that the code works when you enter a 2 and fails when you enter a 1?

    Look at the code that keeps the loop going and see where the value of 2 would work and the value of 1 fails.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Temperature Converter Program is not running properly

    Thanks I finally caught my error.

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