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Thread: Please help with unwrap, deck, shuffle cards

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Please help with unwrap, deck, shuffle cards

    Write a program called “Project_BridgeDeal” that adds the methods required for the main method shown below. The objective is to initialize the deck, shuffle the deck, deal thirteen cards to each of four players, and display the hand dealt to each player sorted by suit and rank. The names of the four players are North, East, South, and West. You may use the code in Listing 6.2 in the text if you wish.

    1. These are the methods you need to add:
    • public static void unwrap(int[] pack) { // Initialize the deck
    • public static void shuffle(int[] pack) { // Shuffle the deck
    • public static int[] deal(int[] pack, int n, int offset) { // Deal “n” cards offset from the beginning of the deck. Return the hand dealt as an array of integers.
    • public static void showHand(int[] hand, String player) { // Show a player’s hand sorted by suit and rank. The name of the player is passed as a string.

    Here is a sample run of the program:

    North was dealt:
    2 of Spades
    6 of Spades
    8 of Spades
    2 of Hearts
    3 of Hearts
    8 of Hearts
    10 of Hearts
    6 of Diamonds
    8 of Diamonds
    Queen of Diamonds
    King of Diamonds
    4 of Clubs
    5 of Clubs

    East was dealt:
    5 of Spades
    King of Spades
    6 of Hearts
    9 of Hearts
    Jack of Hearts
    Queen of Hearts
    Ace of Hearts
    2 of Diamonds
    4 of Diamonds
    10 of Diamonds
    Ace of Diamonds
    9 of Clubs
    Jack of Clubs

    South was dealt:
    3 of Spades
    4 of Spades
    9 of Spades
    Jack of Spades
    Ace of Spades
    7 of Hearts
    3 of Diamonds
    5 of Diamonds
    7 of Diamonds
    Jack of Diamonds
    3 of Clubs
    7 of Clubs
    King of Clubs

    West was dealt:
    7 of Spades
    10 of Spades
    Queen of Spades
    4 of Hearts
    5 of Hearts
    King of Hearts
    9 of Diamonds
    2 of Clubs
    6 of Clubs
    8 of Clubs
    10 of Clubs
    Queen of Clubs
    Ace of Clubs

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help with unwrap, deck, shuffle cards

    This same homework dump has been asked on multiple sites and in all sites the original poster refuses to show evidence of his work or ask a specific question. Locking.

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