The idea of this assignment is to simulate a customer buying goods from a store. The problem that I am having is that when I try and calculate how much change the customer should receive, my program treats $20.99 as $20 so when I try and convert the double into an integer it gives me 900 instead of 901. I have been working at this for a couple hours now and just can't seem to find where my error lies. Any suggestions or pointers to the right direction and I would be grateful.
I haven't finished my if statement or PrintWriter statements because I know my arithmetic is not working the way I want and need it to.
Here is my code:
import; import; import java.util.Scanner; public class store { /** * @throws FileNotFoundException * @name * @purpose Calculate purchases * @date February 6th, 2013 */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner Keyboard = new Scanner(; PrintWriter prw = new PrintWriter("outputPA3.txt"); double Beer = 1.95; double Chips = 1.79; double Coke = 3.99; System.out.println("Please enter your name:"); String name = Keyboard.nextLine(); System.out.println("Welcome to Stop and Rob, " + name + "! Today we have the following items on sale: "); System.out.println("Beer: $" + Beer); System.out.println("Chips: $" + Chips); System.out.println("Coke: $" + Coke); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Please place your order:"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("How many beers would you like today?"); int numBeer = Keyboard.nextInt(); System.out.println(numBeer + " beers"); System.out.println("How many bags of chips? "); int numChips = Keyboard.nextInt(); System.out.println(numChips + " bags of chips"); System.out.println("How many 12-packs of Coke would you like? "); int numCoke = Keyboard.nextInt(); System.out.println(numCoke + " packs of Coke"); double total = (Beer * numBeer) + (Chips * numChips) + (Coke * numCoke); System.out.printf("Your bill today is $%4.2f", total); System.out.println(); System.out.println(name + " enter the amount you will be paying: "); double payment = Keyboard.nextDouble(); System.out.println("The amount you entered is: $" + payment); if (payment >= total) { int rAmount = (int)((payment - total) * 100); int rFives = rAmount / 500; rAmount = rAmount % 500; int rDollars = rAmount / 100; rAmount = rAmount % 100; int rQuarters = rAmount / 25; rAmount = rAmount % 25; int rDimes = rAmount / 10; rAmount = rAmount % 10; int rNickels = rAmount / 5; rAmount = rAmount % 5; int rPennies = rAmount; System.out.println("Your change of " + rAmount + " consists of \n" + "\t" + rFives + " fives\n" + "\t" + rDollars + " dollars\n" + "\t" + rQuarters + " quarters\n" + "\t" + rDimes + " dimes\n" + "\t" + rNickels + " nickels\n" + "\t" + rPennies + " pennies\n"); } } }