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Thread: Help with Battle system?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Help with Battle system?

    I've been working on a text-based RPG game with a simple turn based battle system. After a lot of work, I've managed to get the battle system working fine. However, the loop lets the monster you're fighting attack you one more time after its HP drops below zero.
    Is there some way I can fix this?

    Here's my battle class:

    package rpgtxt;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Battle {
    	public void bMain(Player player, Monster monster)
    		System.out.println("A " +monster.mName+ " has attacked!");	
    		player.hp = player.getHP();
    		monster.hp = monster.getHP(player);
    		while (monster.hp > 0)
    			if (monster.hp > 0)
    				wrAttack(player, monster);
    			if (player.hp > 0)
    				mAttack(player, monster);
    	public void wrAttack(Player player, Monster monster)
    		Scanner keyIn = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.println("You attack!");
    		Random roll = new Random();
    		int rvalue = roll.nextInt( 21 );
    		int mBlock = monster.getBlock(player);
    		System.out.println(monster.mName+" has "+monster.hp+" hp.");
    		if (rvalue == 20)
    			System.out.println("Critical hit!");
    			monster.hp = monster.hp - (player.dmg * 2);
    			System.out.println(monster.mName+" has "+monster.hp+" hp.");
    			player.xp = player.xp + 1000;
    		else if (rvalue > mBlock)
    			System.out.println("You strike!");
    			monster.hp = monster.hp - player.dmg;
    			System.out.println(monster.mName+" has "+monster.hp+" hp.");
    			player.xp = player.xp + 500;
    		else if (rvalue < mBlock)
    			System.out.println("You miss!");
    	public void mAttack(Player player, Monster monster)
    		Scanner keyIn = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.println(monster.mName+" attacks!");
    		Random roll = new Random();
    		int rvalue = roll.nextInt( 21 );
    		int block = player.getBlock();
    		System.out.println("You have "+player.hp+" hp.");
    		monster.dmg = monster.getDMG(player);
    		if (rvalue == 20)
    			System.out.println("Critical hit!");
    			player.hp = player.hp - (monster.dmg * 2);
    			System.out.println("You have "+player.hp+" hp.");
    		else if (rvalue > block)
    			System.out.println(monster.mName+" strikes!");
    			player.hp = player.hp - monster.dmg;
    			System.out.println("You have "+player.hp+" hp.");
    		else if (rvalue < block)
    			System.out.println(monster.mName+" misses!");

    Here's the output for my battle, to show you what's wrong.

    A Zombie has attacked!
    You attack!
    Zombie has 20 hp.

    You miss!

    Zombie attacks!
    You have 25 hp.

    Zombie strikes!
    You have 23 hp.

    You attack!
    Zombie has 20 hp.

    You miss!

    Zombie attacks!
    You have 23 hp.

    Zombie misses!

    You attack!
    Zombie has 20 hp.

    You strike!
    Zombie has 3 hp.

    Zombie attacks!
    You have 23 hp.

    Zombie misses!

    You attack!
    Zombie has 3 hp.

    You strike!
    Zombie has -14 hp.

    Zombie attacks!
    You have 23 hp.

    Zombie strikes!
    You have 21 hp.
    Last edited by NTWolf1220; February 7th, 2013 at 11:01 AM. Reason: forgot something

  2. #2
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with Battle system?

    What happened when you stepped through this with a debugger, or at least added some more print statements to figure out what's going on?

    Hint: What are you checking in the if statements inside your while loop inside your bMain() function?
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  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with Battle system?

    the loop lets the monster you're fighting attack you one more time after its HP drops below zero
    Can you exit the loop to prevent the extra attack? Look at the break statement.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help with Battle system?

    Thanks a ton! I read up on the break statement and implemented it with two more if statements, and it works perfectly!

    		while (monster.hp > 0)
    			wrAttack(player, monster);
    			if (monster.hp < 0)
    			mAttack(player, monster);
    			if (player.hp < 0)

  5. #5
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with Battle system?

    For what it's worth, I believe the other problem was that you had your if statements reversed: you were checking player health before allowing the monster to attack, which did not check the monster's health.
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