I have gotten many errors on my "public classes" saying illegal start to expressions and semicolons. Am i missing a bracket somewhere or is it something else.
//java packages import java.util.Scanner; public class PiggyRunner { //start PiggyRunner public static void main (String[] args) { //start main Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in); //Variables Set Data double total; private int pennies; private int nickels; private int dimes; private int quarters; private int halfdollars; String cont = ""; public Piggy() //constructor { //start CalculatorAmounts total = 0.0; pennies = 0; nickels = 0; dimes = 0; quarters = 0; halfdollars = 0; } //end CalculatorAmounts public void Piggy(double tot, int pens, int niks, int dim, int quart, int hfdoll) { //SetData pennies = pens; nickels = niks; dimes = dim; quarters = quart; halfdollars = hfdoll; } //SetData public void calculatePiggy() { // begin calculatePiggy total = (.01*pennies); total = (.05*nickels); total = (.10*dimes); total = (.25*quarters); total = (.50*halfdollars); } // end calculatePiggy public void printValue() {//start PrintWealth System.out.printf (" Your total value of pennies is %.2f \n", pens ); System.out.printf(""); System.out.printf (" Your total value of nickels is %.2f \n", niks ); System.out.printf(""); System.out.printf (" Your total value of dimes is %.2f \n", dim ); System.out.printf(""); System.out.printf (" Your total value of quarters is %.2f \n", quart ); System.out.printf(""); System.out.printf (" Your total value of halfdollars is %.2f \n", hfdoll ); System.out.printf(""); }//end PrintWealth if ( total<5 ) { //begin if tot<5 System.out.println("HA HA HA HA I know who isn't going anywhere soon!"); } //end if tot<5 if ( total>5 && total<15 ) { //begin if tot>5 && tot<15 System.out.println("You got enough for a movie ticket!"); } //end if tot>5 && tot<15 if ( total>15 && total<25 ) { //begin if tot>15 && tot<25 System.out.println("Thats what happens when you save your pennies!"); } //end if tot>15 && tot<25 if ( total>25 ) { //begin if tot>25 System.out.println("Make it Rain!!!"); } //end if tot>25 }//end main }//end PiggyRunner