Hello, im pretty new to Java programming and im currently taking a college class involving java coding. Im doing this weeks homework and have been able to answer all of them but this one. I just cant seem to figure it out. Heres the question:
The question: Reorder the following code and plug it on the above main method. Execute and run the program on your java program for three scores (70, 80, and 90).import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class name { public static void main(String[] args) {type code here and execute } }
else if (Average>69) LetterGrd="C"; else if (Average>79) LetterGrd="B"; if (Average>89) LetterGrd="A"; input=JOptionPane.showInputDiaglot("EnterFirstScore1"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The scoreis "+LetterGrd; score1 = Double.parseDouble(input); input=JoptionPane.showInputDiaglog("EnterFirstScore2"); input=JoptionPane.showInputDiaglog("EnterFirstScore3"); score2=Double.parseDouble(input); score3=Double.parseDouble(input); Average=(score1+score2+score3)/3; String input, LetterGrd; doublescore1,score2,score3,Average; else LetterGrd="F"; else if (Average>59) LetterGrd="D";