import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class EchoFileData { public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException { int grade; int count = 0; int total = 0; int maxGrade = 0; int minGrade = 0; int passed = 0; int gradeA = 0; int gradeB = 0; int gradeC = 0; int gradeD = 0; int gradeF = 0; File inputFile = new File( "Grades.txt" ); Scanner scan = new Scanner( inputFile ); maxGrade = scan.nextInt (); minGrade = scan.nextInt (); while ( scan.hasNext() ) { grade = scan.nextInt(); count++; total += grade; if(grade > maxGrade) { maxGrade = grade; } if (grade < minGrade) { minGrade = grade; } if (grade >= 60) { passed ++; } if (grade >= 90) { gradeA++; } if (grade >= 80 && grade < 90) { gradeB++; } if (grade >= 70 && grade < 80) { gradeC++; } if (grade >= 60 && grade < 70) { gradeD++; } if (grade < 60) { gradeF++; } } System.out.println("The total number of students in the class is " + count + "."); DecimalFormat decimalPlace = new DecimalFormat( "##.0" ); System.out.println("The class average test score is " + decimalPlace.format((double) (total)/ count) + "."); System.out.println("The highest score is " + maxGrade + "."); System.out.println("The lowest score is " + minGrade + "."); System.out.println("The number of students who passed is " + passed + "."); System.out.println("The number of students who received an A is " + gradeA + "."); System.out.println("The number of students who received an B is " + gradeB + "."); System.out.println("The number of students who received an C is " + gradeC + "."); System.out.println("The number of students who received an D is " + gradeD + "."); System.out.println("The number of students who received an F is " + gradeF + "."); } }
This is my code and I am importing a file and need to print out the number of students in the class, the average test score, the highest and lowest grade, and how many received each letter grade. I will attach the text file I imported.
My output says there is only 33 students and there should be 35. It was outputtingGrades.txt 35 before I put in all the if statements to add to the number of each grade. Then it changed to 33 and I'm not sure how to fix it.