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Thread: Client Protocol Server

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Client Protocol Server

    I'm making a system where the server asks questions to the client and the client responds. Then the marks out of 3 that the client had got is to be displayed. Everythign in my code works to the way i want it to, except the display of the marks. I have made arrays in which the final mark should relate to. But they always give the same output which is "You got 0/3 correct, Try Harder." instead of whichever one its meant to print out, someone help me, ive spent hours on this. I would also love to ass a password to the system.


    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class MathsProtocol {
        private static final int FIRSTstate = 0;
        private static final int SECONDstate = 1;
    	private static final int THIRDstate = 2;
        private static final int FOURTHstate = 3;
    	private static final int FIFTHstate = 4;
    	private static final int SIXTHstate = 5;
    	 private static final int SEVENTHstate = 6;
        private static final int NUMques = 7;
        private int state = FIRSTstate;
        private int currentQues = 0;
    	private String[] clues = { "You got 0/3 correct, Try Harder.",
                                     "You got 1/3 correct, You could do better.",
                                     "You got 2/3 correct, Average.",
                                     "You got 3/3 correct, You smart pants.",};
        public String processInput(String theInput) {
            String theOutput = null;
    		int Q1Res = 0;
    		int Q2Res = 0;
    		int Q3Res = 0;
    		int TOTALRes = 0;
    		//QUESTION 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (state == FIRSTstate) {
                theOutput = ("Q1: (A + B)*(A+B)" + " 1.A*A+B*B "+ " 2.A*A+A*B+B*B " + " 3.A*A+2*A*B+B*B ");
                state = SECONDstate;
            } else if (state == SECONDstate) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("3")) {
    			theOutput = "That is the correct answer";
                    state = THIRDstate;
                } else {
                    theOutput = " WRONG!! TRY AGAIN";
    			// QUESTION 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    			if (state == THIRDstate) {
    			theOutput = "CORRECT!! Q2: (A+B)*(A-B) =" + " 1) A*A+2*B*B" + " 2)  A*A-B*B " + " 3)  A*A-2*A*B+B*B";
    			 state = FOURTHstate;
            } else if (state == FOURTHstate) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
                    theOutput = "That is the correct answer";
                    state = FIFTHstate;
                } else {
                    theOutput =  " WRONG!!Try again ";
                    state = FOURTHstate;
    			//QUESTION 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    			if (state == FIFTHstate) {
                theOutput = ("CORRECT!! Q3: sin(x)*sin(x) + cos(x)*cos(x)  1?  2?  or  3?");
                state = SIXTHstate;
            } else if (state == SIXTHstate) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
    			theOutput = "That is the correct answer, go again? (y/n)";
                    state = SEVENTHstate;
                } else {
                    theOutput = " WRONG!! TRY AGAIN";
    				state = SIXTHstate;
    				TOTALRes = Q1Res;
    		theOutput = ("you got")+clues[Q1Res+Q2Res];
            } else if (state == SEVENTHstate) {
                if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                    theOutput = "Q1: (A + B)*(A+B)" + " 1.A*A+B*B "+ " 2.A*A+A*B+B*B " + " 3.A*A+2*A*B+B*B ";
                    if (currentQues == (NUMques - 1))
                        currentQues = 0;
                    state = SECONDstate;
                } else {
    				theOutput = "Bye.";
                    state = FIRSTstate;
            return theOutput;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Client Protocol Server

    always give the same output
    Is that because the index to the array is always 0?
    What will change the value of the index? Where is the code that makes changes to the index?
    Is that code being executed?

    Do you understand how variables defined locally to method are created and used?
    Their values are not saved when the method exits.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Client Protocol Server

    the last output i get is "You got 0/3 correct, Try Harder." I compile a server and client code, but thats just to get it running which includes things like the port and sockets. The main code is this one i displayed.
    It's supposed to print out the correct array according to the questions that are right. I defined the Total Result globally.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Client Protocol Server

    Is there new code with class variables used instead of local variables so their values are saved?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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