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Thread: Help with Ration Program on JAVA

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Help with Ration Program on JAVA

    I have to create a program that when used with the test program below should produce the results below. So far I have this please help me. Thank you.

    public class Rational {
    private int num; // the numerator
    private int den; // the denominator

    // create and initialize a new Rational object
    public Rational(int numerator, int denominator) {
    if (denominator == 0) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Denominator is zero");
    int g = gcd(numerator, denominator);
    num = numerator / g;
    den = denominator / g;


    // return string representation of (this)
    public String toString() {
    if (den == 1) { return num + ""; }
    else { return num + "/" + den; }

    // return (this * b)
    public Rational times(Rational b) {
    return new Rational(this.num * b.num, this.den * b.den);

    // return (this + b)
    public Rational plus(Rational b) {
    int numerator = (this.num * b.den) + (this.den * b.num);
    int denominator = this.den * b.den;
    return new Rational(numerator, denominator);

    // return (1 / this)
    public Rational reciprocal() { return new Rational(den, num); }

    // return (this / b)
    public Rational divides(Rational b) {
    return this.times(b.reciprocal());

    /************************************************** ***********************
    * Helper functions
    ************************************************** ***********************/

    // return gcd(m, n)
    private static int gcd(int m, int n) {
    if (0 == n) return m;
    else return gcd(n, m % n);

    Test Program:
    public class RationalTest

    private static void report(String fmt, Object... args)
    { System.out.printf(fmt, args); }

    public static void main(String[] args)
    Rational r0 = new Rational(0);
    report("r0: %s%n", r0);

    Rational r5 = new Rational(5);
    report("r5: %s%n", r5);

    Rational r05 = new Rational(0, 5);
    report("r05: %s%n", r05);

    Rational rhalf = new Rational(1, 2);
    report("rhalf: %s%n", rhalf);
    Rational rhalf5 = new Rational(5, 10);
    report("rhalf5: %s%n", rhalf5);
    report("rhalf == rhalf5: %s%n", rhalf.equals(rhalf5));
    Rational rtwo5 = new Rational(10, 5);
    report("rtwo5: %s%n", rtwo5);

    Rational rnegn = new Rational(-3, 4);
    report("rnegn: %s%n", rnegn);
    Rational rnegd = new Rational(3, -4);
    report("rnegd: %s%n", rnegd);
    Rational rneg2 = new Rational(-3, -4);
    report("rneg2: %s%n", rneg2);

    report("rden0: ");
    try {
    Rational rden0 = new Rational(3, 0);
    report("%s%n", rden0);
    catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
    { System.err.println(iae.getMessage()); }

    Rational recip1 = rnegn.reciprocal();
    report("recip1: %s%n", recip1);
    Rational recip2 = rhalf5.reciprocal();
    report("recip2: %s%n", recip2);
    Rational recip3 = rtwo5.reciprocal();
    report("recip3: %s%n", recip3);

    Rational rtwothirds = new Rational(2, 3);
    int cmp = rneg2.compareTo(rtwothirds);
    String reln = (cmp < 0 ? "<" : (cmp > 0 ? ">" : "="));
    report("%s %s %s%n", rneg2, reln, rtwothirds);
    cmp = rtwothirds.compareTo(rneg2);
    reln = (cmp < 0 ? "<" : (cmp > 0 ? ">" : "="));
    report("%s %s %s%n", rtwothirds, reln, rneg2);
    Rational rfourth = new Rational(1, 4);
    Rational rsixth = new Rational(1, 6);

    Rational sum1 = rtwothirds.plus(rfourth);
    report("sum1: %s%n", sum1);
    Rational sum2 = rtwothirds.plus(rsixth);
    report("sum2: %s%n", sum2);
    Rational sum3 = rnegn.plus(rnegd);
    report("sum3: %s%n", sum3);

    Rational diff1 = rtwothirds.minus(rfourth);
    report("diff1: %s%n", diff1);
    Rational diff2 = rtwothirds.minus(rsixth);
    report("diff2: %s%n", diff2);
    Rational diff3 = rnegn.minus(rnegd);
    report("diff3: %s%n", diff3);

    Rational prod1 = rtwothirds.times(rfourth);
    report("prod1: %s%n", prod1);
    Rational prod2 = rtwothirds.times(rsixth);
    report("prod2: %s%n", prod2);
    Rational prod3 = rnegn.times(rhalf);
    report("prod3: %s%n", prod3);

    Rational quot1 = rtwothirds.divide(rfourth);
    report("quot1: %s%n", quot1);
    Rational quot2 = rtwothirds.divide(rsixth);
    report("quot2: %s%n", quot2);
    Rational quot3 = rnegn.divide(rhalf);
    report("quot3: %s%n", quot3);
    report("quot4: ");
    try {
    Rational quot4 = rnegn.divide(r0);
    report("%s%n", quot4);
    catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); }

    r0: 0
    r5: 5
    r05: 0
    rhalf: 1/2
    rhalf5: 1/2
    rhalf == rhalf5: true
    rtwo5: 2
    rnegn: -3/4
    rnegd: -3/4
    rneg2: 3/4
    rden0: Cannot construct a Rational with a zero (0) denominator
    recip1: -4/3
    recip2: 2
    recip3: 1/2
    3/4 > 2/3
    2/3 < 3/4
    sum1: 11/12
    sum2: 5/6
    sum3: -3/2
    diff1: 5/12
    diff2: 1/2
    diff3: 0
    prod1: 1/6
    prod2: 1/9
    prod3: -3/8
    quot1: 8/3
    quot2: 4
    quot3: -3/2
    quot4: Cannot construct a Rational with a zero (0) denominator

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with Ration Program on JAVA

    Can you post the program's current output for comparison? Add some comments to it that point out where the output is wrong.

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with
    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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