import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.AudioClip;
import java.awt.*;
* <p>Title: MonsterGame</p>
* <p>An interactive animation with Munchies and user-controlled Monster</p>
* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005</p>
* @author Cathy French
* @version 1.2 September 2006
public class MonsterGame extends ICGGSPanel
// game constants
private final int NUM_MUNCHIES = 5; // the number of munchies to be displayed
// game information
private int score; // player score (not currently used)
private int boardWidth, boardHeight; // game board dimensions
// Munchie data
private int[] munchieXPos; // x coordinate of top left corner of each munchie image
private int[] munchieYPos; // y coordinate of top left corner of each munchie image
private int[] munchieAnimationCount; // current animation counter for each munchie
private Image munchieImage1, munchieImage2; // the images to display
private int munchieWidth, munchieHeight; // munchie dimensions
// Monster data
private int monsterXPos, monsterYPos; // coordinates of top left corner of monster
private int monsterSize; // size of monster
private int monsterSpeed; // monster speed in pixels per frame
private Color monsterColour;
private int monsterDirection; // direction monster is moving
private int monsterAnimationCount; // animation counter for monster
private AudioClip monsterBumpWallSound; // sound to play when monster hits a wall
int arcAngle;
int startAngle = 0;
int startAngle2;
* Constructor - creates a game using the two images and audio clip
* @param image1 Image - the first image for the munchies
* @param image2 Image - the second image for the munchies
* @param theAudio AudioClip - sound to be played when the monster hits a wall
public MonsterGame(Image image1, Image image2, AudioClip theAudio)
// initialise Munchie information
// create the arrays, need one "slot" for each munchie
munchieXPos = new int[NUM_MUNCHIES];
munchieYPos = new int[NUM_MUNCHIES];
munchieAnimationCount = new int[NUM_MUNCHIES];
// store the munchie images
munchieImage1 = image1;
munchieImage2 = image2;
// the munchie is the same size as the loaded image
munchieWidth = image1.getWidth(null);
munchieHeight = image1.getHeight(null);
// initialise the Monster information
monsterColour =;
monsterBumpWallSound = theAudio;
monsterSize = 30;
// initialise background colour
* Use to reset the game
* sets score to zero
* sets up Monster and munchies in random positions
public void resetGame()
// make the game board the same size as the panel
boardWidth = this.getWidth();
boardHeight = this.getHeight();
score = 0;
// reset the Monster to a random position and direction
monsterXPos = (int)(Math.random() * (boardWidth - monsterSize));
monsterYPos = (int)(Math.random() * (boardHeight - monsterSize));
monsterDirection = (int)(Math.random() * 4) + 1;
monsterSpeed = 5;
monsterAnimationCount = 0;
// reset all the munchies to random positions and different animation counts
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MUNCHIES; i++) {
munchieXPos[i] = (int)(Math.random() * (boardWidth - munchieWidth));
munchieYPos[i] = (int)(Math.random() * (boardHeight - munchieHeight));
munchieAnimationCount[i] = i % 10;
* overrides superclass method
* processes user input
* @param input int - code for the lastest user input
public void processInput(int input)
if (input > 0 && input < 5) // if the input is a valid direction
monsterDirection = input; // set the current direction to the input
* overrides superclass method
* updates the game objects
public void update()
// update moster direction and animation
switch (monsterDirection)
case Input.RIGHT:
startAngle2 = startAngle = 10;
// monster is moving right, increase its X-coordinate
monsterXPos = monsterXPos + monsterSpeed;
if (monsterXPos > (boardWidth - monsterSize)) // has the monster hit the right wall?
monsterXPos = boardWidth - monsterSize; // move it back to just touching right wall; // play an appropriate sound
monsterDirection = Input.NONE;
case Input.LEFT:
startAngle2 = startAngle = 185;
monsterXPos = monsterXPos - monsterSpeed;
if (monsterXPos < 0) // has the monster hit the right wall?
monsterXPos = 0; // move it back to just touching right wall; // play an appropriate sound
monsterDirection = Input.NONE;
case Input.DOWN:
startAngle2 = startAngle = 280;
//monster is moving right, increase its X-coordinate
monsterYPos = monsterYPos + monsterSpeed;
if (monsterYPos > (boardWidth - monsterSize)) // has the monster hit the right wall?
monsterYPos = boardWidth - monsterSize; // move it back to just touching right wall; // play an appropriate sound
monsterDirection = Input.NONE;
case Input.UP:
startAngle2 = startAngle = 100;
monsterYPos = monsterYPos - monsterSpeed;
if (monsterYPos < 0) // has the monster hit the right wall?
monsterYPos = 0; // move it back to just touching right wall; // play an appropriate sound
monsterDirection = Input.NONE;
// to do - fill in appropriate code for other directions
if (monsterAnimationCount < 5)
// for frames 0 to 4, his mouth gradually closes
arcAngle = 310 + 10 * monsterAnimationCount;
startAngle2 = startAngle2 - 5*monsterAnimationCount;
//for frames 5 to 9, it opens again
arcAngle = 310 + (10 - monsterAnimationCount) * 10;
startAngle2 = startAngle2 - (10 - monsterAnimationCount) * 5;
// increment the monster animation counter
if (monsterAnimationCount >= 10) // when the counter gets to 10, set it back to 0
monsterAnimationCount = 0;
// update each munchie animation
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MUNCHIES; i++)
// increment the animation counter
if (munchieAnimationCount[i] >= 10) // when the counter gets to 10, set it back to 0
munchieAnimationCount[i] = 0;
* called by system after repaint() call (or Applet moved or resized)
* @param g Graphics object for painting on
public boolean collisionDetection(int xPos1, int yPos1, int Height1, int Width1, int xPos2, int yPos2, int Height2, int Width2)
int bottom1, bottom2;
int top1, top2;
int left1, left2;
int right1,right2;
left1= xPos1;
left2 =xPos2;
right1 = xPos1+Width1;
right2 = xPos2+Width2;
top1 = yPos1;
top2 = yPos2;
bottom1 = yPos1+Height1;
bottom2 = yPos2+Height2;
if (bottom1 < top2) return(true);
if (top1 > bottom2) return(true);
if (right1 < left2) return(true);
if (left1 > right2) return(true);
return (false);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
super.paintComponent(g); // paint the default panel
// paint each of the Munchies in turn
//if(munchie > 0 )
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MUNCHIES; i++)
[COLOR="lime"]if(munchie[i]>1 )[/COLOR]
Image im; // this is the image to be displayed
if (munchieAnimationCount[i] < 5)
im = munchieImage1;
// display the second image when the counter is between 5 and 9
im = munchieImage2;
// draw the image in the correct position
g.drawImage(im, munchieXPos[i], munchieYPos[i], null);
g.fillArc(monsterXPos, monsterYPos, monsterSize, monsterSize, startAngle, arcAngle);
g.drawRect(0, 0, boardWidth-1, boardHeight-1);
//then to implement:
for(int i=0;i<NUM_MUNCHIES;i++)
boolean Flag = collisionDetection(monsterXPos, monsterYPos, monsterSize,monsterSize ,munchieXPos[i],munchieYPos[i],20,20);
if (Flag==false)