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Thread: how to create bullets in java

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
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    Default how to create bullets in java

    i created a player and i want him to shoot bullet. i understand the logic but i need some help with it. my bullet will just be rect in paint method.

    create bullet class
    store in arraylist
    print in paint method

    in bullet class i set the variables:
    x                                     //x postion
    y                                     //y postion
    width                                //width of bullet
    height = 10;                      //height of bullet
    dx = 5;                             //speed of bullet
    boolean hitSpace = false;  //if user hit space buttom
    boolean visable = false;     //cant see the bullet 
    int bullet_limit = 50;          //set bullet limit. so after 50 no more bullets
    int bullet_range = 200;     //how far can bullet go
    private ArrayList<Bullet> store_bullets = new ArrayList<Bullet>();  //store bullets

    //if user hit space bar than set variables (calling this method in key method in main.)
    public void hitSPACE()
    		hitSpace = true;
    		dead = false;
    	public void MOVE()
    		if(hitSpace == true)                      //if user hit space bar
    			Bullet  b = new shoot(x, y);   //create bullet
    			store_bullets.add(b);           //store in arraylist
    			x+= dx;        //change speed
    			if(x > bullet_range)     //if it goes above range than dont viable
    				visable = false;  //cant see the bullet
    //draw bullets from arraylist
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    		if(visable == true)     //if its visable                    
    			for(int w = 0; w < store_bullets.size(); w++)// print from array list
    				g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
    	}//end of paint method

    this is the code where i need help. how to print bullets from arraylist.
    for(int w = 0; w < store_bullets.size(); w++)       // print from array list
    				g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to create bullets in java

    If x,y, width,height in the fillRect() method are the locations of the bullet, the code needs to get those values from the Bullet objects in the arraylist.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: how to create bullets in java

    i printed bullet arraylist in player.class

    for(int i = 0; i < store_bullets.size(); i++)
    	g.drawImage(shoot_class.getImage(), bullet_class.getX(), bullet_class.getY(), 
    bullet_class.getWIDTH(), bullet_class.getHEIGHT(), null);

    now the problem is that when i hit space bullet shows up but it is taking player x, and y postion. and it move with my player. so if i move my player right than bullet moves right.

    but my public void SHOOT_MOVE() not seem to be working right. i added a println statment in that function and it does print. so it is going in that function but not moving the buttlet right.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to create bullets in java

    Sounds like you have some logic problems. You'll have to post code that compiles, executes and shows the problem.

    Also try debugging the code by adding println() statements to show the values of variables as they are used and changed to see what the computer sees so you can understand what the program is doing and why it is doing it.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: how to create bullets in java

    i think i found the problem. in player class
    bc SHOOT_MOVE() is in if statment. its only going to add dx to bullet x postion only onces. and if i hit space bar again than it will create a new bullet and add dx only onces. if that make scene?

    public void PLAYER_KEYS(main m, levels level_class)
         bullet_class = new shoot(x, y, m);

    so its adding bullet adding dx onces. than createing another bullet adding dx onces. so all bulletx are on top of each other.

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