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Thread: Need Help Comparing Arrays

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Need Help Comparing Arrays

    Hello folks, first post here and also a Full Time student at the University of Cincinnati. Currently in Programming I which is all Java based. Almost done with the first semester, but I've hit a wall on the current program I'm working on. I'd really appreciate some help with it. Basically, I had to create a lottery program that will generate 5 sets of 5 random numbers, then a set of "winning" numbers. Then those need to be compared to see if any match for a winner.

    I've got my program generating the numbers, but I just don't know how to build the proper loop or what I need to do to compare two arrays for common data. I have to print the results for the user. This is also rules for my assignment.

    All sets must follow these rules:
    1. First number (an integer) must be in the range: 1 to 10, second number: 11 to 20, third number: 21 to 30,
    fourth number: 31 to 40, fifth number: 41 to 50.
    2. No number can be zero
    Winners. Let the player know if they win:
    1. 3 numbers match = $100,000
    2. 4 numbers match = $250,000
    3. 5 numbers match= JACKPOT!! $1,000,000
    4. Less than 3 numbers matching, no win.

    My code is listed below, any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated. If my formatting or comments suck, please feel free to let me know. But keep in mind, this is my first semester of programming with no prior experience Thank you!!!
    // Programmer: Potato McGruff
    // March 25th, 2013
    // University of Cincinnati
    // Programming I
    // Auto Lottery Program
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class AutoLotto { // Start public class AutoLotto
    	public static void main(String[] args) { // Begin main method.
    	     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    // Welcome message
    System.out.println("Welcome to the Auto Lotto, where all your lottery dreams can come true!");
         System.out.println("Would you like to try your luck and be our next jackpot winner?");
              System.out.print("Press 1 for fun! Press any other number if you're ready to give up! ");
                   int keepPlaying = input.nextInt();
    if (keepPlaying == 1) { // start if loop
    // generating number arrays
    int[] winningNumbers = {(int)Math.floor(generateRandomNumber()),(int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+10), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+20), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 30), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 40)};
    int[] numberSetOne = {(int)Math.floor(generateRandomNumber()),(int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+10), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+20), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 30), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 40)};
    int[] numberSetTwo = {(int)Math.floor(generateRandomNumber()),(int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+10), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+20), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 30), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 40)};
    int[] numberSetThree = {(int)Math.floor(generateRandomNumber()),(int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+10), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+20), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 30), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 40)};
    int[] numberSetFour = {(int)Math.floor(generateRandomNumber()),(int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+10), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+20), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 30), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 40)};
    int[] numberSetFive = {(int)Math.floor(generateRandomNumber()),(int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+10), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+20), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 30), (int)(Math.floor(generateRandomNumber())+ 40)};
    // printing sets and winning numbers
    System.out.println(" Number Set 1 - " + numberSetOne[0] + " " + numberSetOne[1] + " " + numberSetOne[2] + " " + numberSetOne[3] + " " + numberSetOne[4]);
      System.out.println(" Number Set 2 - " + numberSetTwo[0] + " " + numberSetTwo[1] + " " + numberSetTwo[2] + " " + numberSetTwo[3] + " " + numberSetTwo[4]);
        System.out.println(" Number Set 3 - " + numberSetThree[0] + " " + numberSetThree[1] + " " + numberSetThree[2] + " " + numberSetThree[3] + " " + numberSetThree[4]);
          System.out.println(" Number Set 4 - " + numberSetFour[0] + " " + numberSetFour[1] + " " + numberSetFour[2] + " " + numberSetFour[3] + " " + numberSetFour[4]);
            System.out.println(" Number Set 5 - " + numberSetFive[0] + " " + numberSetFive[1] + " " + numberSetFive[2] + " " + numberSetFive[3] + " " + numberSetFive[4]);
                System.out.println(" Winning Numbers - " + winningNumbers[0] + " " + winningNumbers[1] + " " + winningNumbers[2] + " " + winningNumbers[3] + " " + winningNumbers[4]);
    } // end if
    else { // start else
    } // end else
        } // end main method
    public static double generateRandomNumber() { // begin method generateRandomNumber
         double x = Math.random()*10+1;
         return x;
    } // end generateRandomNumber method
     } // end public class Auto Lotto

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Help Comparing Arrays

    compare two arrays for common data
    What would be the results of a comparison of two arrays? All match or not or a count of the number of matches of corresponding positions or a match of items no matter what their position.

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:
    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need Help Comparing Arrays

    Ok, fixed that Java code.

    Basically I have one array set up, winningNumbers. I need to have it compare to numberSetOne, two, three etc. for matches. Once I know how many have matched I can generate the results to the user. This here is the exact assignment as it was passed on to me.

    You are to create a lottery simulation program. Welcome the player to the game and prompt them if they
    want to play or exit.
    Your program should have a function that automatically generates five sets of five random numbers for the
    player and displays them on the screen.
    Once the player’s numbers are generated, a separate set of five “computer generated winning numbers” are
    displayed a few lines below and identified as the winning draw for the day. The program will then check to see
    if the player has won based on whether one of their auto pick sets match 3, 4 or all 5 of the winning numbers.
    Give them the option to play as many times as they want with new picks. Winning picks must be in the same

    It will look something like this when displayed (these are not winning sets):
    Auto-Pick 1 8 12 22 33 45
    Auto-Pick 2 5 15 25 34 48
    Auto-Pick 3 7 12 28 38 42
    Auto-Pick 4 2 13 27 35 49
    Auto-Pick 5 1 18 21 33 50
    Computer Generated Winning Picks 9 11 29 40 41

    All sets must follow these rules:
    1. First number (an integer) must be in the range: 1 to 10, second number: 11 to 20, third number: 21 to 30,
    fourth number: 31 to 40, fifth number: 41 to 50.
    2. No number can be zero

    Winners. Let the player know if they win:
    1. 3 numbers match = $100,000
    2. 4 numbers match = $250,000
    3. 5 numbers match= JACKPOT!! $1,000,000
    4. Less than 3 numbers matching, no win.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Help Comparing Arrays

    need to have it compare to numberSetOne, two, three etc. for matches.
    Can you describe what you mean by "matches"? Perhaps an example of a "match" would help.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need Help Comparing Arrays

    Example, I have random numbers generating into winningNumbers array. If those numbers generated were 9, 13, 22, 36 and 45 I need to reference that to the other 5 arrays (numberSetOne, numberSetTwo, numberSetThree, numberSetFour, numberSetFive) Those arrays are also receiving random number as well.

    I need to determine if the random numbers generated match, not 100% but if there are any matches at all. If it matches less than 3, then they player loses. If they match 3 they win the "100,000" prize, if they match 4, 250,000 and 5 the jackpot of 1,000,000.

    So I'm looking for something that will compare all the arrays to each other, and then spit out the result for each of the 5 arrays checked. So I would assume I would need some sort of a method or loop made, but that's where I'm stuck.

    I hope I'm explaining this better, if not I'm not sure really how else to explain it :/

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Help Comparing Arrays

    If those numbers generated were 9, 13, 22, 36 and 45
    What arrays would have "matches" with that array?
    Would a five element array that contained a 22 match or would it be a 20% match?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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