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Thread: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

  1. #1
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    Default Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    Ok, so my program works fine for the most part, except for a few minor issues that I absolutely have to fix. So, let me start by explaining a few things about the program. The program is suppose to get a number from the user, then when you select one of the options from the Menu(), it will call the Method pertaining to the option the user chooses. After that Method concludes, the program should bring the Menu() back up, so that the user may use the program again. This is where my problem occurs. The program will work fine the first time an option is selected, but when the Menu() is called again, whenever the user makes a selection, the program just ends. For examples of my Methods that call the Menu() back, see lines 139, 152, 165, 185, and 108.

    import java.util.Scanner; //for the ability to get input from 
    						  //the keyboard 
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class Project3
    	public static void main(String[] args)
    		//enter variable below
    		double orgGrade = 0;   //Variable for the Original Grade
    		double newGrade = 0;	   //Variable for the Grade after the Curve
    		double gradePercent = 0;   //Variable for displaying the percentage from option 4.
    		double points = 10.0;  //Variable for points added
    		double percent = .10;   //Variable for given percentage
    		double gpoints = 0;          //Variable for the Given points
    		double gpercent = 0;         //Variable for the Given percentage
    		int a = 0;					 // Variable for Menu Selection
    		String Msg = "Press ENTER to return to the menu";
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00.0");
    		//start program here
    		orgGrade = orginalgrade(orgGrade);  //get users grade. 
    		clearScreen(); //clear the screen
    		a = menu(a, Msg);				//show menu/selections	
    			switch (a)
    				case 1:
    				addPoints(a, newGrade, orgGrade, points, Msg);
    				case 2:
    				addPercent(a, newGrade, orgGrade, percent, gradePercent, Msg);
    				case 3:
    				givenPoints(a, newGrade, orgGrade, gpoints, Msg);
    				case 4:
    				givenPercent(a, newGrade, orgGrade, gpercent, Msg);
    				case 5:
    	}//end main
    	public static void clearScreen()
    	}//end clearScreen
    	public static void freezeScreen()
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.print("	       -- Press Enter to Continue --");
    	}//end freezeScreen
    	public static void freezeScreen(String Msg)
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    	}//end freezeScreen
    	public static double orginalgrade(double orgGrade)
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.print("What is the original grade? ");     //Get original grade from user
    		orgGrade = keyboard.nextDouble();
    		return orgGrade; 
    	}//end orgGrade
    	public static int menu(int a, String Msg) 
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.println("	    Grade Adjuster");
    		System.out.println("	   by Aaron Webster ");   // Greet user
    		System.out.println("1. Curve by 10 points.");              //menu options here
    		System.out.println("2. Curve by 10 percent.");
    		System.out.println("3. Curve by a certain number of points.");
    		System.out.println("4. Curve by a given percentage"); 
    		System.out.println("5. Exit program\n");
    		System.out.print("Enter your selection here: ");
    		a = keyboard.nextInt();
    		if (a > 5 || a < 1)
    			System.out.print("That is not a valid option!\n\n");
    			menu(a, Msg);
    			return a;
    		return a;
    	}//end Menu
    	public static double addPoints(int a, double newGrade, double orgGrade, double points, String Msg)
    				newGrade = orgGrade + points;
    				System.out.println("Curve applied: " + points);
    				System.out.println("Adjusted grade: " + newGrade);
    				menu(a, Msg);
    		return newGrade;
    	}//end addPoints	
    	public static double addPercent(int a, double newGrade, double orgGrade, double percent, double gradePercent, String Msg)
    				newGrade = (orgGrade * percent) + orgGrade; 
    				gradePercent = orgGrade * percent;
    				System.out.println("Curve applied: " + gradePercent);
    				System.out.println("Adjusted grade: " + newGrade);
    				menu(a, Msg);
    		return newGrade;
    	}//end addPercent
    	public static double givenPoints(int a, double newGrade, double orgGrade, double gpoints, String Msg)
    				Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    				System.out.println("How many points should be applied to curve the grade?");
    				gpoints = keyboard.nextDouble();
    				newGrade = gpoints + orgGrade;
    				if (newGrade > 100)
    					newGrade = 100;
    				System.out.println("Curve applied: " + gpoints);
    				System.out.println("Adjusted grade: " + newGrade);
    				menu(a, Msg);
    		return newGrade;
    	}//end givenPoints
    	public static double givenPercent(int a, double newGrade, double orgGrade, double gpercent, String Msg)
    				Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    				System.out.println("Enter the percentage of the curve. (Ex. 10% would be .10)");
    				gpercent = keyboard.nextDouble();
    				newGrade = (gpercent * orgGrade) + orgGrade;
    				if (newGrade > 100)
    					newGrade = 100;
    				System.out.println("Curve applied: " + gpercent);
    				System.out.println("Adjusted grade: " + newGrade);
    				menu(a, Msg);
    		return newGrade;
    	}//end givenPercent

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    when the Menu() is called again, whenever the user makes a selection, the program just ends
    Can you explain what "just ends" means? Does the program have an error that stops its execution?
    What makes the program stop executing?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    Maybe try using a do-while loop for the switch statement and update the value for (a) every time the user input a selection.

    sorry couldn't understand your program but try what I said, might work.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    No error, it just ends. Like, the Menu() is called again, you enter a selection but then it just ends. It never goes back to the switch statement.

    --- Update ---

    What is a do-while loop? and how do I update 'a' value? I tried updating it last night, and I couldn't figure it out

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    What is a do-while loop
    See the tutorial:
    The while and do-while Statements (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Language Basics)

    how do I update 'a' value?
    a = newValue;  //  update a
    //  or
    a = someMethod(); //  update a using value returned by method

    It never goes back to the switch statement.
    There is no loop for the execution to go back with. When the switch statement exits, the execution exits the main() method and the program will stop.

    You need to wrap the code you want repeated inside a loop like a while or do-while.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    Where would that need to go into my code? In every one of the methods I wrote? Because 'a' gets is the variable that holds the selection from the Menu(), so basically 'a' starts at 0, then when the Menu() is called, it is assigned either 1-4, the program calls whichever method is assigned to that number, and then the Menu() is called again, except when the Menu() is called for the second time, even if I hit a different selection, 'a' doesn't change it's value.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    Put the loop in the main() method:
    begin loop
    show menu
    get users response
    do what user wanted to do (this could include quit which would exit the loop)
    end loop

    These three lines are in most of the methods:
    				menu(a, Msg);
    They should be removed from the methods and put in the main loop.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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  9. #8
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    Ok, thanks a lot man, I'll try that out as soon as I can and post results

    --- Update ---

    ok, so I added a loop to my Main(), and removed the other things from the Methods. So, I have it now to where the program loops the menu(), but it doesn't execute anything in the switch statement. Should I add the switch statement to the loop?

  10. #9
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Almost have my project done, just need help with one last thing.

    doesn't execute anything in the switch statement.
    Post the code to show the problem.

    Be sure there is a 'default:' in the switch statement that prints out an error message and the value of the switch variable.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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