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Thread: Having two functional "Rectangle" in same JFrame

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Default Having two functional "Rectangle" in same JFrame

    I am here trying to make a Snake-Food game. In this game Snake tries to eat as much food as he can. It is just a prototype. At the onset I added a Rectangle (emulating Snake) into the JFrame, it is functioning properly, i.e. when I press Up, Down, etc buttons. the rectangle moves to that direction. Then I tried adding a small Rectangle(emulating Food) into the JFrame but it was visible nowhere. I also tried using Box layout to satisfy my need but it bifurcates whole JFrame to give half to Snake and half to Food, having no relation at all. Please suggest what can I do to avoid this mess and how to add relation between Snake and Food. Snake must eat the food, but in my program as Snake reaches near the food, it seems as if it's going behind any surface and disappears inches away from food.

    Main Snake Frame where I am trying to add those two Rectangles

    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SnakeFrame extends JFrame implements Runnable
    		Snake snk ;
    		Increase i ;
    		Decrease d ;
    		int width, height ;
    		boolean foodPresent ;
    		Random rand ;
    		Food food ;
    				setSize(500,500) ;
    				setTitle("Snake") ;
    				snk = new Snake(0,0) ;
    				this.add(snk) ;
    				foodPresent = false ;
    				rand = new Random() ;
    				width = this.getSize().width; 
    				height = this.getSize().height ;
    				this.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
    						public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
    								int keyCode = e.getKeyCode() ;
    								if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)
    										dec(snk,"Left") ;
    								if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)
    										inc(snk,"Right") ;
    								if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)
    										inc(snk,"Down") ;
    								if(keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP)
    									    dec(snk,"Up") ;	
    					}) ;
    				Thread t = new Thread(this) ;
    				t.start() ;
    		public void interrupt()
    				if(i != null)
    						i.stop() ; 
    				if(d != null)
    					    d.stop() ;
    		public void inc(Snake x, String direction)
    				interrupt() ;
    				i = new Increase(x,direction, width, height) ;
    				i.start() ;
    		public void dec(Snake x, String direction)
    				interrupt() ;
    				d = new Decrease(x,direction, width, height) ;
    				d.start() ;
    		public void run()
    				int height = this.getSize().height ;
    						if(foodPresent == false)
    								int x = rand.nextInt(width) ;
    								int y = rand.nextInt(height) ;
    								food = new Food(x,y) ;
    								food.setSize(25,25) ;
    								this.add(food) ;
    								food.repaint() ;
    								foodPresent = true ;
    						int gx = snk.x ;
    						int gy = snk.y ;
    						if(gx == food.x && gy == food.y)
    							this.remove(food) ;
    						snk.repaint() ;
    								Thread.sleep(5) ;
    						catch(InterruptedException e)
    						validate() ;
    		public static void main(String[] args)	
    				new SnakeFrame().setVisible(true) ;

    Snake Program

    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Snake extends JPanel
    		int x, y ;
    		Snake(int x, int y)
    			this.x = x ;
    			this.y = y ;
    		public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    				super.paintComponent(g) ;

    Food Program

    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Food extends JPanel
    		int x, y ;
    		Food(int x, int y)
    			this.x = x ;
    			this.y = y ;
    		public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    				super.paintComponent(g) ;

    Increase Coordinates(Thread)
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Increase extends Thread
    		Snake t ;
    		String direction ;
    		int width, height ;
    		Increase(Snake t, String direction, int width, int height)
    				this.t = t ;
    				this.direction = direction ;
    				this.width = width ;
    				this.height = height ;
    		public void run()
    								if(t.x >=width-50)
    									t.x = -20 ;
    								t.x += 1 ;
    						else if(direction.equals("Down"))
    								if(t.y >= height-50)
    									t.y = -20 ;
    								t.y += 1;
    								Thread.sleep(5) ;
    						catch(InterruptedException e)

    Decrease Coordinates(Thread)
    public class Decrease extends Thread
    		Snake t ;
    		String direction ;
    		int width, height ;
    		Decrease(Snake t, String direction, int width, int height)
    				this.t = t ;
    				this.direction = direction ;
    				this.width = width ;
    				this.height = height ;
    		public void run()
    								if(t.y <= 0)
    									t.y = height ;
    								t.y -= 1 ;
    						else if(direction.equals("Left"))
    								if(t.x <= 0)
    									t.x = width;
    								t.x -= 1;
    								Thread.sleep(5) ;
    						catch(InterruptedException e)

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Eastern Florida
    Thanked 2,725 Times in 2,675 Posts

    Default Re: Having two functional "Rectangle" in same JFrame

    Start by doing some debugging. Add some println statements to the code to show you what it is doing.
    For example in the paintComponent() methods print out where the drawing is being done and where the component is located.

    A problem could be the use of components for the shapes. Consider where the layout manager is putting those components.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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