Hi, I'm stuck on this project. This is the instructions:
CMPS 135 Programming Assignment 4
Write a Java program to print out the calendar of any year provided that the day of January 1 of that year is known. (Note: Leap year is a year whose number is divisible by 4. The Feb. of a leap year has 29 days. You will receive extra points if you can print the calendar with 3 months in a row.)
Use modular programming to write the program.
Currently, this is the code I have, but the program isn't working correctly:
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Assignment4Test { public static void display() { System.out.println(" S M T W T F S"); System.out.println("---------------------"); } public static void main(String args[]) { int year; String yearstr; int startday; String startdaystr; int month; int daysinmonth; String monthname; int spacesforstartday; int date; yearstr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the number of the year?"); year = Integer.parseInt(yearstr); startdaystr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the day of January 1? (S-1 M-2 T-3 W-4 T-5 F-6 S-7)"); startday = Integer.parseInt(startdaystr); System.out.println(" "+year); System.out.println(" ===="); for (month=1; month<=12; month++) { monthname=""; daysinmonth=0; switch (month) { case 1: monthname="Jan "; daysinmonth=31; break; case 2: monthname="Feb "; if (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0) { daysinmonth = 29; } else { daysinmonth = 28; } break; case 3: monthname = "March "; daysinmonth = 31; break; case 4: monthname="April "; daysinmonth = 30; break; case 5: monthname="May "; daysinmonth = 31; break; case 6: monthname="June "; daysinmonth = 30; break; case 7: monthname="July "; daysinmonth = 31; break; case 8: monthname="Aug "; daysinmonth = 31; break; case 9: monthname="Sept "; daysinmonth = 30; break; case 10: monthname="Oct "; daysinmonth = 31; break; case 11: monthname="Nov "; daysinmonth = 30; break; case 12: monthname="Dec "; daysinmonth = 31; break; default: System.out.println("Invalid data"); break; } System.out.println(""); System.out.println(" "+monthname); System.out.println(""); display(); for(spacesforstartday=1;spacesforstartday<=startday;spacesforstartday++) {System.out.print(" ");} for(date=1; date<=daysinmonth; date++) { if(startday%7 == 0 && startday != 0) {System.out.println();} if(date<10) {System.out.print(" "+date);} else {System.out.print(" "+date);} startday=startday+1; } startday%=7; System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); } System.exit(0); }}