addTextbook(Textbook) adds a new Textbook to the inventory of the bookstore.
buyTextbook(String id) removes a Textbook object from the list of textbooks of the Bookstore. If the id does not match any Textbook object in the list, an error message is printed to the screen.
Design a tester class called BookstoreTester. The tester class has a main() method and tests the functionality of the class Bookstore as follows:
a. Create Bookstore and name it "UWF Bookstore".
b. Create a minimum of three Textbook objects and add them to the bookstore.
c. Create 6 Apparel objects, two of each category, and add them to the bookstore.
d. Setup a loop to:
e. Display a short menu that allows a user to perform different actions in the bookstore such as looking up textbooks, or apparel items, or purchasing items. Use all of the accessor methods in the Bookstore to access specific items. Use the given methods to make purchases