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Thread: Subclass not compiling.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
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    Default Subclass not compiling.

    Hi all. How's everybody doing? Good I hope. I'm hanging in there.

    What I have are some classes for a program I'm sure many of you have seen before, ye ol' BankAccount class. What I've done here is write a subclass that inherits from the the BA class. But the subclass doesn't compile and I can't figure out what to do. I keep getting the error below:

    SavingsAccount.java:10: error: no suitable constructor found for BankAccount(String,String)
    super(CName, CType);
    constructor BankAccount.BankAccount(int,String,String,String,d ouble,double) is not applicable
    (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    constructor BankAccount.BankAccount() is not applicable
    (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    1 error

    Below are the classes I've written. If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.

    import java.util.*;  
    import java.io.*;  
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    class BankAccount 
    	private int AccountNumber;
    	private String AccountType;
    	String CustName;   // Made these two public
       String CustType;
    	private double Balance;
    	private double MonthlyFee;
    	private static int NumberOfBankAccounts = 0;
    		AccountNumber = 0;
    		AccountType = "";
    		CustName ="";
    		Balance =0.0;
    		MonthlyFee = 0.0;
    	BankAccount(int AccNum, String AccType, String CName, String CType, double Bal, double mFee) 
    		AccountNumber = AccNum;
    		AccountType = AccType;
    		CustName = CName;
    		CustType = CType;
    		Balance = Bal;
    		MonthlyFee = mFee;
    	public int getAccountNumber() 
    		return AccountNumber;
    	public void setAccountNumber(int accNum) 
    		AccountNumber = accNum;
    	public String getAccountType() 
    		return AccountType;
    	public void setAccountType(String accType) 
    		AccountType = accType;
    	public String getCustName() 
    		return CustName;
    	public void setCustName(String cName) 
    		CustName = cName;
    	public String getCustType() 
    		return CustName;
    	public void setCustType(String cType) {
    		CustType = cType;
    	public double getBalance() 
    		return Balance;
    	public void setBalance(double bal) 
    		Balance = bal;
    	public double getMonthlyFee() 
    		return MonthlyFee;
    	public void setMonthlyFee(double mFee) 
    		MonthlyFee = mFee;
    	public static void incrementBankAccountNumber() 
    	public String toString() 
    		DecimalFormat formatter2 = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");   
    		return "Account #:      " + AccountNumber + 
    		" Account Type:   " + AccountType +
    		" Customer Name:  " + CustName +
    		" Customer Type:  " + CustType +
    		" Balance:        $" + Balance +
    		" Monthly Fee:    $" + formatter2.format(MonthlyFee);

    class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount
    	private double savingsNumber;
    	private double savingsBalance;
    	public SavingsAccount(){}
    	public SavingsAccount(String CName, String CType, double savNum, double savBal) //Not sure if CType is the arg needed.
    		super(CName, CType);
    		savingsNumber = savNum;
    		savingsBalance = savBal;
    	public void setsavingsNumber(double savNum)
    		savingsNumber = savNum;
    	public void setsavingsBalance(double savBal)
    		savingsBalance = savBal;
    	public double getsavingsNumber()
    		return savingsNumber;
    	public double getsavingsBalance()
    		return savingsBalance;
    	public String toString()
    		String str =  "Customer: " + super.getCustName()
    						+ "\n, has a current savings balance of: " + savingsBalance;
    		return str;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Subclass not compiling.

    SavingsAccount.java:10: error: no suitable constructor found for BankAccount(String,String)
    super(CName, CType);
    The SavingAccount's super class: BankAccount does NOT have a constructor that takes two Strings as args.
    A couple of choices:
    Change the call to the super constructor to pass the args that it takes.
    Add a new constructor to the BankAccount class that takes two Strings as args
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Subclass not compiling.

    Thanks again Norm. (I was just moving this post to proper forum.) Anyway, you're fast. So, I had been thinking along the lines of your first suggestion, but does that mean I need to pass ALL the args of the BA class AND the two new ones I made? Can you do that?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Subclass not compiling.

    does that mean I need to pass ALL the args
    It means that the call to a constructor or a method MUST pass it the args that they require.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Subclass not compiling.

    Thanks for trying to help. But I'm sorry to say I'm just not getting it. I mean, I've passed it what it needs. Then I try passing all the args in the order that they appear in the super-class. Still a problem.

    --- Update ---

    Waaaaaiiiiit a minute, let me try something....

    Well, nevermind. I thought if I put all the args in the call to the super class that the super has, THAT would work. But alas...

    --- Update ---

    OK. Finally got it. Makes perfect sense now.

    public SavingsAccount(int AccNum, String AccType, String CName, String CType, double Bal, double mFee, double savNum, double savBal) //Not sure if CType is the arg needed.
    		super(AccNum, AccType, CName, CType, Bal, mFee);
    		savingsNumber = savNum;
    		savingsBalance = savBal;

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Subclass not compiling.

    Glad you got it. Please Mark this thread as solved
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Subclass not compiling.

    Sure thing Norm. Thanks for your help. You know, all those args just look wild to me. Logically I can see now why they are needed, but I just assumed there was a more 'succinct' way to do this.

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