I need a method that can tell me if a String has non alphanumeric characters. I used the ascii table to look up to check if the string has these: !@#$%^&*() <---- I NEED THE PROGRAM TO CHECK IF IT HAS AT LEAST ONE OF THESE.

THANKS! This is what i have so far but it doesnt seem to work:
import java.util.Scanner;								// Imports the Scanner class to get Keyboard Inputs
class ValidatePassword {
	public static void main (String [] args) {
		String inputPassword;							// Creates the Password variable
		Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);		// Creates a new Scanner
		System.out.println("The password must be: 1) Between 8 and 20 characters  ");
		System.out.print("2) It must contain at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase character ");
		System.out.print("3)It must contain at least 1 digit ");
		System.out.print("4)It must contain at least one non-alphanumeric but printable character (like those characters over the digits on your keyboard)");
		System.out.println("Password: ");					// Prints the word "Password" to the screen
		inputPassword = input.next();					// Gets the user input for the password
		System.out.println(PassCheck(inputPassword));	// Calls the PassCheck Method on the password entered by the user and prints result to screen
		main(args);										// re-runs the program (Allows for multiple tests)
	public static String PassCheck (String Password) {
		String result = "Valid Password";			// Sets the initial result as valid
		int length = 0;								// Stores the number characters in the password
		int numCount = 0;							// Variable used to store numbers in the password
		int capCount = 0;							// Variable used to store capital letters in the password
		int lowCount=0;
int Alpha=0;
		for (int x =0; x < Password.length(); x++) {
			if ((Password.charAt(x) >= 47 && Password.charAt(x) <= 58) || (Password.charAt(x) >= 64 && Password.charAt(x) <= 91) ||
				(Password.charAt(x) >= 96 && Password.charAt(x) <= 123) || (Password.charAt(x) >= 97 && Password.charAt(x) <= 122) || (Password.charAt(x) >= 32 && Password.charAt(x) <= 48)) {
					//Keep the Password
				} else {
					result = "Password Contains Invalid Character!";		//Checks that password contains only letters and numbers
			if ((Password.charAt(x) > 47 && Password.charAt(x) < 58)) {		// Counts the number of numbers
				numCount ++;
			if ((Password.charAt(x) > 64 && Password.charAt(x) < 91)) {		// Counts the number of capital letters
				capCount ++;
			if ((Password.charAt(x) > 96 && Password.charAt(x) < 123)) {		// Counts the number of lowercase letters
				lowCount ++;
			if ((Password.charAt(x) > 32 && Password.charAt(x) < 48 )) {		// Counts the number of lowercase letters
				Alpha ++;
			length = (x + 1);										// Counts the passwords length
		} // Ends the for loop
		if (numCount < 1){											// Checks that password contains 1 numbers
			result = "You need at least 1 number in your password!";
		if (length < 8){											//checks if the password is too short
			result = "Too short! Password has to be at least 8 characters long";
		if (length > 20){										//checks if the password is too long
			result = "Too long!";
		 if(Alpha < 0){
			 result = " You need at least one non-alphanumeric!";
		if (lowCount < 1){										//checks if their is at least 1 lowercase letter
			result = "You need at least 1 lowercase letter in your password!";
		if (capCount < 1) {											// Checks that password contains at least 1 capital letter
			result = "You need at least 1 capital letter in your password!";
		if (length < 8){											// Checks that password is long enough
			result = "Password is too Short!";
			return (result);										// Returns the value of "result"
	} // Ends the PassCheck method
} // Ends the ValidatePassword class

When I try it out I type in for example: ddddddddddD3
Valid Password

Doesnt even seem to be looking for it. Please just help me out.