I need help with this project
A bank has hired you to write a program for their ATMs/mobile apps. The bank would like the program to do the following:
1. Prompt the user for a user name and check whether it is valid. Give several tries before locking user out.
a. If user is locked out, take photo of him if at ATM
2. Prompt the user for a PIN and check whether it is valid. Give several tries before locking user out.
a. If user is locked out take photo of him if at ATM
3. Give a welcome message.
a. Message should include any specials.
4. Create the following options:
a. Make a deposit
i. Cash
ii. Check
1. Mobile app
2. ATM
iii. Indicate that cash/check dispensed
iv. Indicate when cash/check available for use.
v. May have more than one check to deposit.
b. Make a withdrawal
i. Fast cash from debit card
1. $20
2. $40
3. $100
4. $500
5. Indicate that cash was dispensed
6. Limit withdrawals to one a day.
ii. Fast cash from credit card
1. $20
2. $40
3. $100
4. $500
5. Indicate that cash was dispensed
6. Limit withdrawals to one a day.
7. Indicate interest to be charged.
c. Check balances on
i. Checking account
ii. CDs
iii. Loans
iv. Credit cards
1. Warn of overdraft and specify penalties
v. Debit cards
1. Warn of overdraft and specify penalties.
vi. Check for bonus points on debit/credit card.
d. Make a transfer from one account to another.
i. Specify which accounts
ii. Check for overdrafts
iii. Specify when funds are available
e. In each option the appropriate change should be made to the account balance.
5. Check for overdraft on each transaction.
6. Announce any changes in rates.
7. In each option the user should be prompted for operation desired, dollar amount, and date transaction should occur.
8. When done program should ask if user wishes to do anything else. If so cycle back to new transaction.
9. When done program should give thank you message and log user out.