Create an application with following requirements:
Input the length and width of board game manually.
Width must be an even number, and the max width must be equal to 40/length. For example: length input is 10, thus the maximum input number for width is 4.
The maximum size for memory board game (length*width) is 40
Program will do randomize symbols inside “Memory Board Game” for each square board. There will be only 2 same symbols for each symbol picture.
User will be ask to guess the location of 2 match symbol inside ‘Memory Board Game’.
User gets only 10 chances to guess all the match symbols.
If user guess correctly, the symbols will be opened.
If user guess wrongly, the chance will be deducted by one.
If user finish the chance before guessing all the match symbol, show a message of “You Lose”.
If user able to guess all the match symbols with available chance, show a message of “You Win”
Show user’s score with following formula:
Score = chance * grade
Grade = opened symbols * 10
By the end of game, prompt user if she/he wants to re-play the game.