i would like this tiny bit of help.
i built this little program that calculates stuff(unimportant what it calculates).
but sometimes when its dividing or multiplying big numbers, it displays it in the scientific notification.
like it should display: 10000000(10 million)
but it displays: 1.0E7.
how can i fix this? i dont want it to display it in the scientific notifitcation.
if(e.getSource()==b1 && box.getSelectedItem()==fish[8]){ String xp1 = txt1.getText(); int xp2 = Integer.parseInt(xp1); String xp3 = txt2.getText(); int xp4 = Integer.parseInt(xp3); double xpleft = xp4 - xp2 ; double fishleft = xpleft / 350; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "XP left: "+"\t"+xpleft+"\n"+box.getSelectedItem()+" left: "+"\t"+fishleft+"\n"+"\n"+"NOTE: always round these numbers."+"\n"+"example: fish left: 1,87 = fish left: 2.", "Fishing Calculator", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);