I am attempting to write a Java implementation of a NeuralNetwork. This consists of:
A "Network" class
An abstract "Neuron" class
An "Hidden Neuron" class, which extends Neuron
An "Output Neuron" class, which extends Neuron
A "Layer" class, which holds HiddenNeuron objects in an Array
A "Link" class, which creates the link between two neurons
A "RunNet" class used to run the network
THe main Network classes essentially has methods to a) train and b) run the network based on a series of inputs/outputs.
My code:
import java.util.ArrayList; public class Network { OutputNeuron outputNeuron = new OutputNeuron(); ArrayList<Layer> networkLayers = new ArrayList<Layer>(); public void AddLayer(Layer layer) { networkLayers.add(layer); } public void BridgeNetwork() { for(int i = 0; i+1 < networkLayers.size(); i++) { Layer currentLayer = networkLayers.get(i); Layer nextLayer = networkLayers.get(i+1); for(HiddenNeuron currentLayerNeuron : currentLayer.getLayerNeurons()) { for(HiddenNeuron nextLayerNeuron : nextLayer.getLayerNeurons()) { Link link = new Link(currentLayerNeuron, nextLayerNeuron); currentLayerNeuron.addForwardLink(link); nextLayerNeuron.addBackLink(link); } } //Now taking care of linking last hidden layer to output neuron ArrayList<HiddenNeuron> lastLayer = (networkLayers.get(networkLayers.size()-1)).getLayerNeurons(); for(HiddenNeuron currentNeuron : lastLayer) { Link link = new Link(currentNeuron, outputNeuron); currentNeuron.addForwardLink(link); outputNeuron.addBackLink(link); } } } public boolean SetupInputs(ArrayList<Double> inputs) { //Setting up inputs ArrayList<HiddenNeuron> firstLayerNeurons = (networkLayers.get(0)).getLayerNeurons(); if(firstLayerNeurons.size() != inputs.size()) { System.out.println("ERROR! Number of inputs must equal number of neurons in first layer!"); return false; } for(int i = 0; i < firstLayerNeurons.size(); i++) { (firstLayerNeurons.get(i)).SetOutput(inputs.get(i)); } return true; } public double FeedForward() { //Feeding forward! for(Layer currentLayer : networkLayers) { for(HiddenNeuron currentNeuron : currentLayer.getLayerNeurons()) { currentNeuron.FeedForward(); } } //Alright! We got to the output neuron! outputNeuron.ComputeOutput(); return outputNeuron.getOutput(); } public void BackPropagate() { outputNeuron.BackPropagate(); for(int i = networkLayers.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<HiddenNeuron> currentLayerNeurons = (networkLayers.get(i)).getLayerNeurons(); for(HiddenNeuron currentNeuron : currentLayerNeurons) { currentNeuron.BackPropagate(); } } } public void TrainNet(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> myTemplates, int epochs) { for(int a = 0; a < myTemplates.size(); a++) { System.out.println("Training throught testSet " + a); ArrayList<Double> currentTemplate = myTemplates.get(a); outputNeuron.setDesired(currentTemplate.get(0)); currentTemplate.remove(0); SetupInputs(currentTemplate); for(int i = 0; i < epochs; i++) { System.out.println("Epoch " + i + " of test testSet " + a); FeedForward(); BackPropagate(); } } } public double RunNet(ArrayList<Double> inputs) { System.out.println("Executing net"); SetupInputs(inputs); return FeedForward(); } }
import java.util.ArrayList; public class Layer { ArrayList<HiddenNeuron> layerNeurons = new ArrayList<HiddenNeuron>(); public void addNeuron(HiddenNeuron neuron) { layerNeurons.add(neuron); } public ArrayList<HiddenNeuron> getLayerNeurons() { return layerNeurons; } }
Neuron.javapublic class Link { HiddenNeuron neuronA = null; Neuron neuronB = null; double weight = 0; public Link(HiddenNeuron neuronA, Neuron neuronB) { this.neuronA = neuronA; this.neuronB = neuronB; double weight = Math.random(); if(weight > 0.5) this.weight = weight; else this.weight = -1*weight; } protected void BackPropagate(double error) { weight += error; neuronA.receiveError(error*weight); } protected void FeedForward(double input) { neuronB.ReceiveInput(weight*input); } }
import java.util.ArrayList; public abstract class Neuron { double output = 0; double derivativeOutput = 0; double error = 0; ArrayList<Double> inputs = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Link> backLinks = new ArrayList<Link>(); public void addBackLink(Link link) { backLinks.add(link); } protected void ComputeOutput() { double partialSum = 0; //Summing all inputs for(double currentInput : inputs) { partialSum += currentInput; } //Setting output to be result of sigmoid function taking sum of inputs as parameter output = 1/(1+Math.pow(Math.E, (-1*partialSum))); ComputeDerivative(); } private void ComputeDerivative() { derivativeOutput = output*(1-output); } protected void ReceiveInput(double input) { inputs.add(input); } protected void BackPropagate() { ComputeError(); for(Link currentLink : backLinks) { currentLink.BackPropagate(error); } } protected abstract void ComputeError(); }
import java.util.ArrayList; public class HiddenNeuron extends Neuron { ArrayList<Double> myErrors = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Link> forwardLinks = new ArrayList<Link>(); public void addForwardLink(Link link) { forwardLinks.add(link); } public void SetOutput(double output) { super.output = output; } protected void receiveError(double error) { myErrors.add(error); } protected void ComputeError() { double partialSum = 0; for(double currentError : myErrors) { partialSum += currentError; } super.error = partialSum*super.derivativeOutput; } protected void FeedForward() { super.ComputeOutput(); for(Link currentLink : forwardLinks) { currentLink.FeedForward(super.output); } } }
public class OutputNeuron extends Neuron { double desired = 0.0; public double getOutput() { return super.output; } public void setDesired(double desired) { this.desired = desired; } protected void ComputeError() { super.ComputeOutput(); super.error = (desired-super.output)*super.derivativeOutput; } }
RunNet.java (used to train the network for an "OR" gate)
import java.util.ArrayList; public class RunNet { public static void main(String[] args){ ArrayList<Double> testA = new ArrayList<Double>(); testA.add(1.0); testA.add(1.0); testA.add(1.0); ArrayList<Double> testB = new ArrayList<Double>(); testB.add(1.0); testB.add(0.0); testB.add(1.0); ArrayList<Double> testC = new ArrayList<Double>(); testC.add(0.0); testC.add(1.0); testC.add(1.0); ArrayList<Double> testD = new ArrayList<Double>(); testD.add(0.0); testD.add(0.0); testD.add(0.0); ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> myTemplates = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>(); myTemplates.add(testA); myTemplates.add(testB); myTemplates.add(testC); myTemplates.add(testD); Network myNet = new Network(); Layer first = new Layer(); Layer second = new Layer(); first.addNeuron(new HiddenNeuron()); first.addNeuron(new HiddenNeuron()); second.addNeuron(new HiddenNeuron()); second.addNeuron(new HiddenNeuron()); myNet.AddLayer(first); myNet.AddLayer(second); myNet.BridgeNetwork(); ArrayList<Double> testE = new ArrayList<Double>(); testE.add(0.0); testE.add(0.0); myNet.TrainNet(myTemplates, 10000); System.out.println(myNet.RunNet(testD)); } }
However, when I then run the network with both A and B of the expression A OR B the network returns true... Any suggestions for improvement? :S