I know the variable names were given to you, but when you have the flexibility, give your variables decent names. Single letter variable names are only acceptable as loop control variables, and that's more by convention than anything else. Give even loop control variables longer names if it helps you understand your program better.
It also helps to comment your code. In this case, just follow the instructions given in the assignment:
// if the date's fashion sense, r, is greater than or equal to 8, consider going out again:
if ( r >= 8 )
// d is true if another date is possible
d = true;
// or if the parents are wealthy, w is true, then the date is acceptable with a fashion sense of 7 or more
if ( w && r >= 7 )
d = true;
That's not the answer, because the OR that begins the second comment has to be included in the code somewhere, and the value of d for the case when the date is not acceptable has to be set. You should be able to figure those details out.