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Thread: How to read an empty token and display it in the output??

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy How to read an empty token and display it in the output??

    I am trying to read a file and display the contents using tokenizer but the problem is some of the lines in my file have 6 tokens while some have 7 and when i try outputting the
    file it gives me this error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
    at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)
    at songsDisplay.displaySongs(songsDisplay.java:53)
    at mainMenu.case1Menu(mainMenu.java:99)
    at mainMenu.main(mainMenu.java:40)

    Now i have tried everything i could think of to fix it i even tried replace && replaceAll but it gives me the same error could someone provide me with a solution
    data = new Scanner(new File("example.txt"));
    			String newline ="";
    		         int movieID = 0 ;
    			String movieName = "";
    			String director = " ";
    			String writer: ="";
    			double duration = 0.0 ;
    			String genre = "";
    			double rating = 0.0 ;
    				newline = data.nextLine();
    				StringTokenizer File = new StringTokenizer(newline, ",");
    				int n = stFile.countTokens();
    				int i = 0;
    					movieID = Integer.parseInt(stFile.nextToken());
                                           movieName = stFile.nextToken();
                                            director = stFile.nextToken();
                                            writer = stFile.nextToken();
                                            duration = Double.parseDouble(stFile.nextToken());
                                             genre = stFile.nextToken();
                                           rating = Double.parseDouble(stFile.nextToken().replaceAll(" ", "0.0"));

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to read an empty token and display it in the output??

    Look at the API doc for the StringTokenizer class. There is a method that will tell you the number of tokens and another method that will tell you if there is another token available. The program should use those methods to test if there is a token available so it won't get the error.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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