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Thread: how to change DB design for a change in java

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default how to change DB design for a change in java

    This question is more of architectural level.
    Suppose , we have a HTML form which has certain fields. We store these values in DB table.
    In future , if the requirement arises to add 10 new fields in HTML , how do we change DB design for that .
    Do we add columns in the same table?
    Or do we create a new table and map it with existing table? . The requirement can be adding 50 more fields even !!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: how to change DB design for a change in java

    That dependes, some databases don't allow it, others do but 50 fields sound like at lot to me.
    Personally I would make a ObjectExtra table then
    Ruby 'cause I can - Java 'cause I want - C# 'cause I have to

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