I have an n by 2 array ppi having integer values(having duplicate) a second array n by 1 gid containing unique integer values from ppi and a third array X0 with 0 and 1 values. Below is a MATLAB code which I want to implement in Java-
MATLAB version-
gamma0 = 10; gamma1 = 10; beta = 20;
delta = 0;
for i=1:length(gid)
gconn = union(ppi(find(ppi(:,1)==gid(i)),2), ppi(find(ppi(:,2)==gid(i)),1));
[a,b] = intersect(gid, gconn);
u1 = (X0(i)*weight + sum(X0(b)==1))/(weight+length(gconn));
u0 = ((1-X0(i))*weight + sum(X0(b)==0))/(weight+length(gconn));
UU1(i) = u1;
UU0(i) = u0;
mrfpdf(i) = exp((1-X0(i))*(gamma0-beta*u1)+X0(i)*(gamma1-beta*u0))/(exp(gamma0-beta*u1)+exp(gamma1-beta*u0));
Java version method
double[] mrfpdf = new double[X0.length];
Integer[] X = new Integer[X0.length];
// find out unique class labels in ppi
Set<Double> gid_set = new LinkedHashSet<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < ppi.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ppi[0].length; j++) {
System.out.println("unique gid_set: " + gid_set);
Double[] gid = gid_set.toArray(new Double[gid_set.size()]);
int gamma0 = 10, gamma1 = 10, beta = 20, delta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gid.length; i++) {
Set<Double> ppi1 = new HashSet<Double>();
Set<Double> ppi2 = new HashSet<Double>();
for (int k = 0; k < ppi.length; k++) {
if (ppi[k][0] == gid[i])
if (ppi[k][1] == gid[i])
Set<Double> gconn = new HashSet<Double>(ppi1);
Set<Double> a = new HashSet<Double>(gid_set);
java.util.List<Double> buff = new LinkedList<Double>(gid_set);
int[] b = new int[a.size()];
int x = 0;
for (double j : a) {
for (int c = 0; c < gid.length; c++) {
if (j == gid[c]) {
b[x] = c;
java.util.List<Double> X0_list = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (double z : X0) {
int sum1 = 0;
for (int y : b) {
if (X0_list.get(y) == 1)
int sum2 = 0;
for (int y : b) {
if (X0_list.get(y) == 0)
u1 = (int) ((X0[i] * weight + sum1) / (weight + gconn.size()));
u0 = (int) (((1 - X0[i]) * weight + sum2) / (weight + gconn.size()));
UU1[i] = u1;
UU0[i] = u0;
mrfpdf[i] = (Math.exp((1 - X0[i]) * (gamma0 - beta * u1) + X0[i]* (gamma1 - beta * u0)) / (Math.exp(gamma0 - beta * u1) + Math.exp(gamma1 - beta * u0)));
}// end for(int i : gid)
Can someone please tell me why the values in mrfpdf array is different in Java and Matlab codes? Java code results in 0.99 and 0.5 values whereas Matlab does not produce 0.5