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Thread: help with setters and getters

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default help with setters and getters

    public class InventoryDriver
    	public static void main(String[] args)
    	InventoryItem item1 = new InventoryItem("d-145-blk", "Black Case-it Large Capacity 3-Inch Zipper Binder", 5.50, 65);
    	InventoryItem item2 = new InventoryItem("d-145-blk", "Black Case-it Large Capacity 3-Inch Zipper Binder", 19.97, 123, 50, 0);
    	System.out.println("\n****Display Inventory for item2 after 3 items are purchased");
    	System.out.println("Quantity Available: " + item2.getQuantityOnHand());
    	System.out.println("Number on order: " + item2.getNumberOnOrder());
    	System.out.println("Cost: " + item2.getCost());
    	System.out.println("\n****Display Inventory for item1 after item number is changed and 40 items are purchased");
    	System.out.println("Item number: " + item1.getItemNumber());
    	System.out.println("Quantity Available: " + item1.getQuantityOnHand());
    	System.out.println("Number on order: " + item1.getNumberOnOrder());
    	System.out.println("Cost: " + item1.getCost());
    	System.out.println("\n****Display inventory for item2 after description is changed and 2 more items are purchased");
    	item2.setDescription("Purple Purse");
    	System.out.println("Description: " + item2.getDescription());
    	System.out.println("Quantity Available: " + item2.getQuantityOnHand());
    	System.out.println("Number on order: " + item2.getNumberOnOrder());
    	System.out.println("Cost: " + item2.getCost());

    public class InventoryItem
    	private String itemNumber;
    	private int quantityOnHand;
    	private int reorderLevel;
    	private double cost;
    	private int numberOnOrder;
    	private String description;
    //	Constructor that sets quantityOnHand and numberOnOrder to zero, and takes in data for the rest.
    	public InventoryItem(String itemNumber, String description, double cost, int reorderLevel)
    		this.itemNumber = itemNumber.toUpperCase();
    		this.description = description;
    		this.cost = cost;
    		this.reorderLevel = reorderLevel;
    //	Constructor that takes and sets all the data
    	public InventoryItem(String itemNumber, String description, double cost, int quantityOnHand, int reorderLevel, int numberOnOrder)
    		this.itemNumber = itemNumber.toUpperCase();
    		this.description = description;
    		this.cost = cost;
    		this.quantityOnHand = quantityOnHand;
    		this.reorderLevel = reorderLevel;
    		this.numberOnOrder = numberOnOrder;
    //	Special setter for itemNumber, data is always stored in upper-case.
    	public void setItemNumber(String itemNumber)
    		this.itemNumber = itemNumber.toUpperCase();
    //	Getter for itemNumber.
    	public String getItemNumber()
    		return itemNumber;
    //	Setter for reorderLevel.
    	public void setReorderLevel(int reorderLevel)
    		this.reorderLevel = reorderLevel;
    //	Getter for reorderLevel.
    	public int getReorderLevel()
    		return reorderLevel;
    //	Setter for description.
    	public void setDescription(String description)
    		this.description = description;
    //	Getter for description.
    	public String getDescription()
    		return description;
    //	Getter for quantityOnHand.
    	public int getQuantityOnHand()
    		return quantityOnHand;
    //	Getter for cost.
    	public double getCost()
    		return cost;
    //	Getter for numberOnOrder.
    	public int getNumberOnOrder()
    		return numberOnOrder;
    //	Method that takes in numOrdered and updates that number of items that are on order.
    	public void orderItems(int numOrdered)
    		numOrdered = numberOnOrder + numOrdered;
    //	Method that takes in numberReceived and updates that number of items on hand and number that is still on order.
    	public void receiveOrderedItems(int numberReceived)
    		this.quantityOnHand = quantityOnHand - numberReceived;
    		this.numberOnOrder = numberOnOrder + numberReceived;
    //	Method that takes in numberSold and updates that the number of items on hand.
    	public void sellItems(int numberSold)
    		this.quantityOnHand = quantityOnHand - numberSold;
    //	Method that returns the total cost of the item that is on hand.
    	public void getCurrentInventoryValue()
    		this.cost = cost * numberOnOrder;
    //	Equal method comparing two instances
    	public void equals()
    		if (itemNumber.equalsIgnoreCase(itemNumber))
    		System.out.println("item number's are the same.");
    		System.out.println("item number's are not the same.");
    		if (description.equalsIgnoreCase(description))
    		System.out.println("item description's are the same.");
    		System.out.println("item description's are not the same.");
    		if (itemNumber.equalsIgnoreCase(description))
    		System.out.println("item description and description are not the same.");
    //	toString method that displays the data about the instance of InventoryItem class.
    	public String toString()
    		return "Item Number: " + itemNumber + "\nDescription: " + description + "\nCost: " + cost + 
    				"\nQuantity Available: " + quantityOnHand + "\nRe-order level: " + reorderLevel + 
    				"\nNumber on order: " + numberOnOrder;

    When I run this program, my cost variable displays the correct cost the first time it is ran, but every time after that I get a price that is not correct. Why isn't the variable multiplying like I want it to? Help, please.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: help with setters and getters

    Can you copy the console from when you execute the program and post it here. Add some comments showing what is wrong with the output.

    Why isn't the variable multiplying
    Where is cost being used? When does it get the correct value and when the wrong value?
    Try debugging the code by adding some println statements that print out the value of cost every time it is changed. The print out will show you where it is getting the wrong value.

    //	Method that returns the total cost of the item that is on hand.
    	public void getCurrentInventoryValue()
    The return type of void means that the method does NOT RETURN anything.
    Either the name is wrong (get implies the method will return something) and the name should be changed
    or the return type should be changed and the method should return something as the comments say.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: help with setters and getters

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Can you copy the console from when you execute the program and post it here. Add some comments showing what is wrong with the output.

    Where is cost being used? When does it get the correct value and when the wrong value?
    Try debugging the code by adding some println statements that print out the value of cost every time it is changed. The print out will show you where it is getting the wrong value.

    //	Method that returns the total cost of the item that is on hand.
    	public void getCurrentInventoryValue()
    The return type of void means that the method does NOT RETURN anything.
    Either the name is wrong (get implies the method will return something) and the name should be changed
    or the return type should be changed and the method should return something as the comments say.
    In my post I entered the question wrong, what I am trying to ask is why when I getCost from my driver, instead of the currentInventoryValue resetting to zero, it instead does numberOnOrder * numberOnOrder * cost.

    public static void main(String[] args)
    	InventoryItem item1 = new InventoryItem("d-145-blk", "Black Case-it Large Capacity 3-Inch Zipper Binder", 5.50, 65);
    	InventoryItem item2 = new InventoryItem("d-145-blk", "Black Case-it Large Capacity 3-Inch Zipper Binder", 19.97, 123, 50, 0);
    	System.out.println("\n****Display Inventory for item2 after 3 items are purchased");
    	System.out.println("Quantity Available: " + item2.getQuantityOnHand());
    	System.out.println("Number on order: " + item2.getNumberOnOrder());
    	System.out.println("Cost: " + item2.getCost());
    	System.out.println("\n****Display Inventory for item1 after item number is changed and 40 items are purchased");
    	System.out.println("Item number: " + item1.getItemNumber());
    	System.out.println("Quantity Available: " + item1.getQuantityOnHand());
    	System.out.println("Number on order: " + item1.getNumberOnOrder());
    	System.out.println("Cost: " + item1.getCost());
    	System.out.println("\n****Display inventory for item2 after description is changed and 2 more items are purchased");
    	item2.setDescription("Purple Purse");
    	System.out.println("Description: " + item2.getDescription());
    	System.out.println("Quantity Available: " + item2.getQuantityOnHand());
    	System.out.println("Number on order: " + item2.getNumberOnOrder());
    	System.out.println("Cost: " + item2.getCost());
    when ran I get this as a result:

    Item Number: D-145-BLK
    Description: Black Case-it Large Capacity 3-Inch Zipper Binder
    Cost: 5.5
    Quantity Available: 0
    Re-order level: 65
    Number on order: 0
    item number's are the same.
    item description's are the same.

    Item Number: D-145-BLK
    Description: Black Case-it Large Capacity 3-Inch Zipper Binder
    Cost: 19.97
    Quantity Available: 123
    Re-order level: 50
    Number on order: 0
    item number's are the same.
    item description's are the same.

    ****Display Inventory for item2 after 3 items are purchased
    Quantity Available: 120
    Number on order: 3
    Cost: 59.91

    ****Display Inventory for item1 after item number is changed and 40 items are purchased
    Item number: K-456-KDN
    Quantity Available: -40
    Number on order: 40
    Cost: 220.0

    ****Display inventory for item2 after description is changed and 2 more items are purchased
    Description: Purple Purse
    Quantity Available: 118
    Number on order: 5
    Cost: 299.54999999999995

    What I want to show up is:

    ****Display inventory for item2 after description is changed and 2 more items are purchased
    Description: Purple Purse
    Quantity Available: 118
    Number on order: 5
    Cost: 99.85

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: help with setters and getters

    instead of the currentInventoryValue resetting to zero, it instead does numberOnOrder * numberOnOrder * cost.
    If you know what the problem is, can you explain what problems you are having fixing that problem?

    Did you try this:
    Try debugging the code by adding some println statements that print out the value of cost every time it is changed. The print out will show you where it is getting the wrong value.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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