package cardgame;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class CardGame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
Random rand = new Random();
String[] cards = {"Ace", "Two", "Three", "four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"};
String[] suits = {" of Hearts", " of Diamonds", " of Spades", " of Clubs"};
int shuffleCards = 0, shuffleSuits, playerPoints, dealerPoints, playerTotal, dealerTotal, wins, loses, pushes;
String play, anotherCard, showCard, playAgain, score;
StringBuilder PSB = new StringBuilder();
showCard = "";
playAgain = "y";
score = "";
playerTotal = 0;
playerPoints = 0;
dealerPoints = 0;
dealerTotal = 0;
wins = loses = pushes = 0;
System.out.println("Welcome to Thirty3\n");
System.out.print("Would you like to play (Y/Q)? ");
play = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print("Your cards: ");
for(int a=1; a<=3; a++)
shuffleCards = rand.nextInt(cards.length-1) + 0;
shuffleSuits = rand.nextInt(suits.length-1) + 0;
// shuffleCards = 0;
// shuffleSuits = 0;
System.out.print(cards[shuffleCards] + suits[shuffleSuits] + ", ");
if(shuffleCards == 1)
playerPoints = 2;
if(shuffleCards == 2)
playerPoints = 3;
if(shuffleCards == 3)
playerPoints = 4;
if(shuffleCards == 4)
playerPoints = 5;
if(shuffleCards == 5)
playerPoints = 6;
if(shuffleCards == 6)
playerPoints = 7;
if(shuffleCards == 7)
playerPoints = 8;
if(shuffleCards == 8)
playerPoints = 9;
if(shuffleCards == 9 || shuffleCards == 10 || shuffleCards == 11 || shuffleCards == 12)
playerPoints = 10;
if((shuffleCards == 10 && shuffleSuits == 2 )|| (shuffleCards == 10 && shuffleSuits == 0) || (shuffleCards == 12 && shuffleSuits == 1))
playerPoints = 13;
if(shuffleCards == 2 && shuffleSuits == 3)
playerPoints = 0;
playerTotal = playerPoints + playerTotal;
if(shuffleCards == 0 && playerTotal + 11 <= 33)
playerTotal = playerTotal + 11;
showCard = showCard.concat(cards[shuffleCards]).concat(suits[shuffleSuits].concat(", "));
if(shuffleCards == 0 && playerTotal + 1 <= 33)
playerTotal = playerTotal + 1;
System.out.print(" (Total " + playerTotal + ")");
System.out.print("Would you like another card (Y/N)? ");
anotherCard = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print("Your cards:" + showCard);
shuffleCards = rand.nextInt(cards.length-1) + 0;
shuffleSuits = rand.nextInt(suits.length-1) + 0;
PSB.append(cards[shuffleCards].concat(suits[shuffleSuits]).concat(", ")); // dashes done here
if(shuffleCards == 1)
playerPoints = 2;
if(shuffleCards == 2)
playerPoints = 3;
if(shuffleCards == 3)
playerPoints = 4;
if(shuffleCards == 4)
playerPoints = 5;
if(shuffleCards == 5)
playerPoints = 6;
if(shuffleCards == 6)
playerPoints = 7;
if(shuffleCards == 7)
playerPoints = 8;
if(shuffleCards == 8)
playerPoints = 9;
if(shuffleCards == 9 || shuffleCards == 10 || shuffleCards == 11 || shuffleCards == 12)
playerPoints = 10;
if(shuffleCards == 10 && shuffleSuits == 2 || shuffleCards == 10 && shuffleSuits == 0 || shuffleCards == 12 && shuffleSuits == 1)
playerPoints = 13;
if(shuffleCards == 2 && shuffleSuits == 3)
playerPoints = 0;
playerTotal = playerPoints + playerTotal;
if(shuffleCards == 0)
if(playerTotal + 11 <= 33)
playerTotal = playerTotal + 11;
playerTotal = playerTotal + 1;
System.out.print(" (Total " + playerTotal + ")");
System.out.print("Would you like another card (Y/N)? ");
anotherCard = scan.nextLine();
System.out.print("The dealer drew: ");
while(dealerTotal <= 26)
shuffleCards = rand.nextInt(cards.length-1) + 0;
shuffleSuits = rand.nextInt(suits.length-1) + 0;
if(shuffleCards == 1)
dealerPoints = 2;
if(shuffleCards == 2)
dealerPoints = 3;
if(shuffleCards == 3)
dealerPoints = 4;
if(shuffleCards == 4)
dealerPoints = 5;
if(shuffleCards == 5)
dealerPoints = 6;
if(shuffleCards == 6)
dealerPoints = 7;
if(shuffleCards == 7)
dealerPoints = 8;
if(shuffleCards == 8)
dealerPoints = 9;
if(shuffleCards == 10 && shuffleSuits == 2 || shuffleCards == 10 && shuffleSuits == 0 || shuffleCards == 12 && shuffleSuits == 1)
dealerPoints = 13;
if(shuffleCards == 2 && shuffleSuits == 3)
dealerPoints = 0;
dealerTotal = dealerPoints + dealerTotal;
if(shuffleCards == 0 && (dealerTotal + 11 <= 33))
dealerTotal = dealerTotal + 11;
System.out.print(cards[shuffleCards] + suits[shuffleSuits].concat(", "));
System.out.println(" (Total " + dealerTotal + ")");
// change the conditions for win, lose
// if the player is 32, and dealer is 31, player wins, who ever is closest to 33
if(playerTotal <= 33 )
score = "win!";
if(playerTotal > 33 && (dealerTotal > 26 && dealerTotal <= 33))
score = "lose!";
if(playerTotal == dealerTotal)
score = "tied!";
System.out.println("You " + score + " - Current Total - Wins - " + wins + " Ties - " + pushes + " Loses - " + loses);
System.out.print("Would you like to play again (Y/Q)? ");
playAgain = scan.nextLine();