I am trying to implement the agent-smoker problem in Java: There are 3 smokers, and 1 agent. Each smoker has 1 of the 3 ingredients (matches, paper, tobacco). The agent has an infinite amount of all ingredients, and randomly puts 2 on the table. The smoker that is missing those 2 ingredients grabs it, rolls a cigarette, and this process repeats. Here is what I have so far:
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; class CigaretteSmokersProblem { public static void main(String[] args) { table smokingtable = new table(); agent controlAgent = new agent(smokingtable); controlAgent.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // each smoker-thread gets the controlAgent, so the thread can wake up the agent and we don't have to do notifyAll(); smoker smokerThread = new smoker(smokingtable, i, "Smoker " + Integer.toString(i+1), controlAgent); smokerThread.start(); } } } class smoker extends Thread { private table smokingtable = new table(); private String ingredient; private int ingredientNumber; private agent controlAgent; public smoker(table pSmokingtable, int pIngredientNumber, String pName, agent pAgent) { // only save the number of the ingredient, we'll get the ingredient's name while the thread is running ingredientNumber = pIngredientNumber; this.smokingtable = pSmokingtable; setName(pName); controlAgent = pAgent; } @Override public void run() { while(true) { ingredient = smokingtable.getSmokerIngredient(ingredientNumber); if (!smokingtable.hasIngredient(ingredient) && !smokingtable.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(getName() + " has " + ingredient + "."); try { doSmoke(); System.out.println(getName() + " tells the agent to start the next round."); // the thread tells the agent to continue controlAgent.wake(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } public synchronized void doSmoke() throws Exception { System.out.println(getName() + " rolls the cigarette."); Thread.sleep(2500); System.out.println(getName() + " smokes."); Thread.sleep(2500); System.out.println(getName() + " has finished."); } } class agent extends Thread { private table smokingtable; public agent(table pSmokingtable) { smokingtable = pSmokingtable; } @Override public void run() { while(true) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) {} smokingtable.setAgentIngredients(); // this triggers the smoker-threads to look at the table System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println("The agents puts " + smokingtable.getAgentIngredients() + " on the table."); // pause the agent while one smoker thread is running pause(); } } public synchronized void wake() { try { notify(); } catch(Exception e){} } public synchronized void pause() { try { this.wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } /*Class for creating table*/ class table { //Variables for storing ingredients(tabacco,paper,matches) private ArrayList allIngredients = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList agentIngredients = new ArrayList(); public table() { allIngredients .add("tabacco"); allIngredients .add("paper"); allIngredients .add("matches"); } /*Function for setting two ingredients randomly*/ public void setAgentIngredients() { Random random = new Random(); agentIngredients.clear(); ArrayList copyAllElements = (ArrayList) allIngredients .clone(); int ingredient1 = random.nextInt(copyAllElements.size()); agentIngredients.add(copyAllElements.get(ingredient1)); copyAllElements.remove(ingredient1); int ingredient2 = random.nextInt(copyAllElements.size()); agentIngredients.add(copyAllElements.get(ingredient2)); } /*Function for checking weather the table is empty*/ public boolean isEmpty() { return (agentIngredients.size() == 0); } /*Function for getting two ingredients that are set previously by the function setAgentIngredients()*/ public synchronized String getAgentIngredients() { notifyAll(); return agentIngredients.toString(); } /*Function for getting the ingredient with the corresponding smoker*/ public synchronized String getSmokerIngredient(int pIngredient) { try { this.wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} return (String) allIngredients .get(pIngredient); } /*Function for Checking the smoker has the same ingredient as in the table if so smoking is is not possible*/ public boolean hasIngredient(String ingredientName) { return (agentIngredients.contains(ingredientName)); } public synchronized void pause() { try { this.wait(); } catch (Exception e) {} } }
The output is usually correct,
The agents puts [matches, tabacco] on the table.
Smoker 2 has paper.
Smoker 2 rolls the cigarette.
Smoker 2 smokes.
Smoker 2 has finished.
Smoker 2 tells the agent to start the next round.
But sometimes, the order gets messed up for some reason:
Smoker 3 has matches.
Smoker 3 rolls the cigarette.
The agents puts [paper, tabacco] on the table.
Smoker 3 smokes.
Smoker 3 has finished.
Smoker 3 tells the agent to start the next round.
Smoker 3 has matches and rolls the cigarette before the agent puts the resources on the table.
Can anybody figure out what part of my code is wrong?