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Thread: Writing a class - class not found

  1. #1
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    Default Writing a class - class not found

    I am studying defining a class in Java Programming.

    I am having an issue with whenever I try to write a class, even one directly from the book, NetBeans tells me it can't find the class.

    The code looks correct but it won't run. i don't understand what I am doing wrong.

     * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
     * and open the template in the editor.
    package auto;
    /* Auto class, Version 2
     Anderson, Franceschi
    public class Auto
    	// instance variables
    	private String model;	//  model of auto
    	private int milesDriven;	//  number of miles driven
    	private double gallonsOfGas; //  number of gallons of gas
    	// Default constructor:
    	//  initializes model to "unknown";
    	//  milesDriven is autoinitialized to 0
    	//        and gallonsOfGas to 0.0
    	public Auto( )
            model = "unknown";
    	// Overloaded constructor:
    	// allows client to set beginning values for
    	//   model, milesDriven, and gallonsOfGas.
    	public Auto( String startModel,
    	int startMilesDriven,
    	double startGallonsOfGas )
            model = startModel;
    	// validate startMilesDriven parameter
    	if ( startMilesDriven >= 0 )
               milesDriven = startMilesDriven;
    	System.err.println( "Miles driven is negative." );
    	System.err.println( "Value set to 0." );
    	// validate startGallonsOfGas parameter
    	if ( startGallonsOfGas >= 0.0 )
               gallonsOfGas = startGallonsOfGas;
    	System.err.println( "Gallons of gas is negative" );
    	System.err.println( "Value set to 0.0." );
    	// Accessor method:
    	// returns current value of model
    	public String getModel( )
    	return model;
    	// Accessor method:
    	// returns current value of milesDriven
    	public int getMilesDriven( )
    	return milesDriven;
    	// Accessor method:
    	//  returns current value of gallonsOfGas
    	public double getGallonsOfGas( )
    	return gallonsOfGas;

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Writing a class - class not found

    Post the exact error message, copied and pasted from what appears at your end. What's the name of the source file?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Writing a class - class not found

    Quote Originally Posted by GregBrannon View Post
    Post the exact error message, copied and pasted from what appears at your end. What's the name of the source file?
    I figured out what i had to do. it has to be a file all until itself within the program. I got confused. now it works correctly

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Writing a class - class not found

    Okay. Good job figuring it out.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to GregBrannon For This Useful Post:

    nepperso (November 23rd, 2013)

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