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Thread: Problem with arrays

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy Problem with arrays

    Good evening everyone ,
    I am writing this post to ask you guys if you can help me on this very basic program .
    I am still a student in programming and a beginner with arrays and i am asked to create a program that creates random elements of arrays between 0 and 9 , and inside every box of these arrays a random number between 0 and 100 and finally to calculate the sum of these numbers , example
    6 random elements of an array are generated , inside each one of these elements a certain value is created , then i shall add these value and print the value.
    Now as i said i am still a beginner in java so i know this program is messed up but at least i tried i hope you guys can help me , thank you :
    public class arrays {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    	double x = 0 ;
    	double [] numbers = {x*(Math.random()*10)};
    	double result  = sumLessThanAverage(numbers);
    	public static double sumLessThanAverage(double[]a){
    		double x  = 0;
    		double sum = 0;
    		double count=0;
    		x = x * Math.random()*101;
    		for ( int i = 0 ; i<= a.length-1 ; i++){
    			a[i] = x;
    			sum += x;
    			x = x * Math.random()*101;
    			count ++;
    		return sum;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem with arrays

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:
    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Problem with arrays

    double x = 0 ;
    double [] numbers = {x*(Math.random()*10)};

    What do you get when you multiply a number by 0?

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to ChristopherLowe For This Useful Post:

    Jad_Asmar (November 23rd, 2013)

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Problem with arrays

    Quote Originally Posted by ChristopherLowe View Post
    double x = 0 ;
    double [] numbers = {x*(Math.random()*10)};

    What do you get when you multiply a number by 0?
    Oh god , what a foolish mistake , thank you !

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Problem with arrays

    All good. There are other problems here. Are you trying to create an array with 10 elements?

    double [] numbers = {(Math.random()*10)};

    This is creating an array with exactly one element. Instead, use this to create an array with a desired length:

    int length = 9;
    double[] numbers = new double[length]

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to ChristopherLowe For This Useful Post:

    Jad_Asmar (November 23rd, 2013)

  8. #6
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    Default Re: Problem with arrays

    Thank you Christopher , but the thing is I would like to create an array but randomly and by that i mean it can be 4 arrays 5 or 6 up to 10 ; that's what i want .
    To make it clear my whole program is about creating random arrays adding there value and calculating their average and finally to print the values that are less than the average itself.

  9. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problem with arrays

    it can be 4 arrays 5 or 6 up to 10
    Change the value assigned to the variable: length in ChristopherLowe's post#5 to be a random number in the range of the sizes that you want.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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