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Thread: scanner issues

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default scanner issues

    Hi All,

    Having some difficulties with this section.

    The program runs but is giving me some errors.

    Not sure on how to fix these.
    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    My code:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Q4
    	public static void main(String[] args)
    	//Throw any exceptions
    	throws Exception
    		Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("Salary.txt"));
    		String assistant = "assistant";
    		String associate = "associate";
    		String full = "full";
    		double assistantTotal = 0.0;
    		double associateTotal = 0.0;
    		double fullTotal = 0.0;
    		double allFacultyTotal = 0.0;
    		double assistantAverage = 0.0;
    		double associateAverage = 0.0;
    		double fullAverage = 0.0;
    		double allFacultyAverage = 0.0;
    		int assistantCounter = 0;
    		int associateCounter = 0;
    		int fullCounter = 0;
    		int allFacultyCounter = 0;
    		while (input.hasNextLine())
    			String line = input.nextLine();
    			if (line.toLowerCase().contains(assistant.toLowerCase()))
    				assistantTotal += input.nextDouble();
    				assistantAverage = assistantTotal / assistantCounter;
    				allFacultyTotal += input.nextDouble();
    			else if (line.toLowerCase().contains(associate.toLowerCase()))
    				associateTotal += input.nextDouble();
    				associateAverage = associateTotal / associateCounter;
    				allFacultyTotal += input.nextDouble();
    			else if (line.toLowerCase().contains(full.toLowerCase()))
    				fullTotal += input.nextDouble();
    				fullAverage = fullTotal / fullCounter;
    				allFacultyTotal += input.nextDouble();
    		allFacultyAverage = allFacultyTotal / allFacultyCounter;
    		System.out.println("The average pay for Assistants is: " + assistantAverage);
    		System.out.println("The average pay for Associates is: " + associateAverage);
    		System.out.println("The average pay for Full Professors is: " + fullAverage);
    		System.out.println("The average pay all faculty members is: " + allFacultyAverage);
    		System.out.println("The total pay for all Assistants is: " + assistantTotal);
    		System.out.println("The total pay for all Associates is: " + associateTotal);
    		System.out.println("The total pay for all Full Professors is: " + fullTotal);
    		System.out.println("The total pay for all faculty members is: " + allFacultyTotal);

    I'm getting these errors:

    Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
    at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(Unknown Source)
    at Q4.main(Q4.java:38)

    At line 38 is this: assistantTotal += input.nextDouble();
    This is in the IF block.

    Just for info, the file Salary.txt is comprised of many lines of the following format.

    FirstName1 LastName1 assistant 79174.73
    FirstName2 LastName2 associate 70817.75
    FirstName3 LastName3 associate 69619.0
    FirstName4 LastName4 full 116992.43

  2. #2
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    Default Re: scanner issues

    At line 38 in main() - we can't tell where that is - the Scanner method being used does not agree with the data found in the file. This usually occurs when a type of number is expected but text is found instead, or the number found does not comply with the requirements for that type. Try to find that mismatch and fix it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: scanner issues

    Quote Originally Posted by GregBrannon View Post
    At line 38 in main() - we can't tell where that is - the Scanner method being used does not agree with the data found in the file. This usually occurs when a type of number is expected but text is found instead, or the number found does not comply with the requirements for that type. Try to find that mismatch and fix it.


    At line 38 is this: assistantTotal += input.nextDouble();
    This is in the IF block.

    Just for info, the file is comprised of many lines of the following format.

    FirstName1 LastName1 assistant 79174.73
    FirstName2 LastName2 associate 70817.75
    FirstName3 LastName3 associate 69619.0
    FirstName4 LastName4 full 116992.43

  4. #4
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    Default Re: scanner issues

    Then the input.nextDouble() statement isn't finding a legal token for a double in the file. Intelligently play with it and/or add print statements to determine what the Scanner object is seeing and then adjust your code to sync it up with the data in the text file. There isn't much more we can do for you without having all of the code and the text file (and we don't want it), but you should be able to figure this out yourself.

    Another option is to read a whole line at a time with Scanner.nextLine(), store that in a String array using the split() method:

    String[] inputData = input.nextLine().split( " " );

    Then you'd know that there are 4 elements in the array, the first 3 actual Strings, the last a String that can be parsed to a double when needed.

    Or, inputData could be sent directly to a constructor:

    personnelItem[i] = new PersonnelItem( inputData );

    Some variation of the above alternatives is how I would normally do it to avoid the errors you're fighting and to reduce the code required to read the file.

  5. #5
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    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: scanner issues

    Hi All.

    Fixed this.

    Change this:
    while (input.hasNextLine())
    String line = input.nextLine();

    to this:

    while(input.hasNextLine()) {

    //line is next line from file
    String line = input.nextLine();
    //put into array contents of the line split by spaces
    String[] words = line.split(" ");
    //wage is variable at array position 4
    double wage = Double.parseDouble(words[3]);

    Mark as answered please, and thanks for all the help.

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