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Thread: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

  1. #1
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    Default how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    ublic class MethodsExample {
    	public void add(int a, int b) {
    		int add = a + b;
    		System.out.println("Addtion value=" + add);
    	public void sub(int a, int b) {
    		int sub = a - b;
    		System.out.println("Substraction value=" + sub);
    	public void mul(int a, int b) {
    		int mul = a * b;
    		System.out.println("Multiplication value=" + mul);
    	public void div(int a, int b) {
    		int div = a / b;
    		System.out.println("Division value=" + div);
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		MethodsExample obj = new MethodsExample();
    		obj.add(5, 6);
    		obj.sub(5, 6);//here if i want any other data types to pass as a parameter what i ve to do for that please help me
    		obj.mul(5, 6);
    		obj.div(5, 6);
    		obj.add(100, 500);
    		obj.add(800, 900);

    --- Update ---

    if i sent by different data types i ve to get convertes in that method 'm not getting how to do that please help me
    Last edited by Norm; December 11th, 2013 at 07:28 AM. Reason: added end code tag

  2. #2
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    you can send a subclass of a particular type using generics or mark the argument as object to pass any datatype but however not sure what kind of converter you expect?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    Welcome to the Forum! Please read this topic to learn how to post your code correctly along with other useful info for newcomers.

    You can overload the method with others that accept different type parameters:

    public void sub(int a, int b) {}

    public void sub( double a, double b ) {}

    Etc. . . . Is that what you mean?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    no i want in main method if i send any other datatypes exbj(2.0,3.0) i want it convert in the method as generic if i want to put any type of data type parameters when i called t have to convert to that type for that what i have to do is there any method like type cast of generally or i have to use switch for every data types?????/ please help me

    --- Update ---

    if i want any of method called in different data types like obj.add('a','b') or obj.add(2.0,5.0) i want to convert in method parameters when i called in main method for that what i have to do generically please help me its urgent
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    MethodsExample obj = new MethodsExample();
    obj.add(5, 6);
    obj.sub(5, 6);//here if i want any other data types to pass as a parameter what i ve to do for that please help me
    obj.mul(5, 6);
    obj.div(5, 6);
    Last edited by Norm; December 11th, 2013 at 07:29 AM. Reason: added [/code]

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    Are you talking about method overloading? Having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    no i posted one prog above in that if i called obj.add(anydatatype variable,anydatatype variable) i want to do that operation in that method like if i calle obj.add(2.0,3.0) i want answere in float parameter want to get know the particular type for that what have to do if i send obj.add(int i,int b) ,obj.add(boolean i,short b) ,obj.add(float i,float b) ,obj.add(double i,int b) like any data type if i sent to add method there i have to do converstion i written like public void add(int a, int b) {
    int add = a + b;
    System.out.println("Addtion value=" + add);
    this is for only one datatype operation is integer if i want obj.add(2.0,3) how to do in methods i showed below as anydatatype in that place what i have to do for all data type convertion
    public void add(anydatatype a, anydatatype b) {
    anydatatype add = a + b;
    System.out.println("Addtion value=" + add);

    --- Update ---

    is there any generic converstion or else how shall i do please explain t with any example i hope you understands my problem

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    Have you tried writing the code using generics? The code in post#1 does not use generics. Try rewriting the code to use generics.
    For example:
     public class MethodsExample<T> {
      MethodsExample<Double> me = new MethodsExample<Double>();
      me.add(1.2, 2.3);
    //  and
     MethodsExample<Integer> me2 = new MethodsExample<Integer>();
     me2.add(12, 23);
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    oki i will try this thank you

  9. #9
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    Continuing on Norm's suggestion and going along with your current question, consider restricting your generic arguments to numeric values only (if that is what you want).

    For example (stealing Norm's code):
     public class MethodsExample<T extends java.lang.Number> {
      MethodsExample<Double> me = new MethodsExample<Double>();
      me.add(1.2, 2.3);
    //  and
     MethodsExample<Integer> me2 = new MethodsExample<Integer>();
     me2.add(12, 23);

    When asking for help, please follow these guidelines to receive better and more prompt help:
    1. Put your code in Java Tags. To do this, put [highlight=java] before your code and [/highlight] after your code.
    2. Give full details of errors and provide us with as much information about the situation as possible.
    3. Give us an example of what the output should look like when done correctly.

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  10. #10
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    i just want when i call the parameters with different datatypes in that particular method want to do that particular type of operation m just a beginner of java so dont know how to do that currently 'm learning methods with those concepts 'm trying to solve

  11. #11
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    To call the methods with the same names but different data types for its args,
    either define overloaded methods each with the desired data type
    or use generics and define a class to handle the desired data type
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    i tried that with same name and different args what happened is for add method i have to create different data types args and next for sub i have to create different args with sub method name so its going lengthy prog for all add,sub,mul,div

  13. #13
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    Default Re: how to do dynamic casting for all datatypes

    Actually, this is far more complex than I assumed because you cannot do arithmetic on a Number object...
    Hmm... There is certainly a messy way of doing this, but I do not know if there is a generic way of doing this.
    The messy way of doing it would be something like:
    public <T extends Number> T add(T val1, T val2) {
            if(val1 instanceof Integer) {
                return (T)new Integer((Integer)val1 + (Integer)val2);
            else if(val1 instanceof Double) {
                return (T)new Double((Double)val1 + (Double)val2);
            // And follow this pattern for every Number type
    It is not ideal. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

    When asking for help, please follow these guidelines to receive better and more prompt help:
    1. Put your code in Java Tags. To do this, put [highlight=java] before your code and [/highlight] after your code.
    2. Give full details of errors and provide us with as much information about the situation as possible.
    3. Give us an example of what the output should look like when done correctly.

    Join the Airline Management Simulation Game to manage your own airline against other users in a virtual recreation of the United States Airline Industry. For more details, visit: http://airlinegame.orgfree.com/

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