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Thread: Need help with Hotel booking math.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Need help with Hotel booking math.

    Hello everyone I'm working on a project for java class and I'm not advanced enough to do anything fancy, I have the basics of the program but for some reason it never adds up right. Can anyone help me correct this issue? thanks. Also i changed the name of doubleroom to roomroom because I thought doubleroom was messing with the math but apparently not lol.

    import java.util.Scanner;
    class resort4
    	public static void main (String[] args)
    		int staytype;										//create int, some with values, some get values later.
                    int roomtype;
    		int weekdayrate = 5;
    		int weekendrate = 20;
    		int holidayrate = 50;
    		int smokingroom = 40;
    		int handicaproom = 10;
    		int nonsmokingroom = 50;
                    int book1;
                    int book2;
                    int book3;
                    int keepgoing;
                    int keepgoing2;
                    int stayday;
                    int finalprice = 0;
                    int singleroom = 60;
                    int roomroom = 100;
                    int VIP = 500;
                   int smokingornot;													//find smokingornot based on user input
                   System.out.println("Smoking, Non-Smoking, or Handicap?\n 1 for Smoking"
                           + "\n 2 for Non-Smoking"
                           + "\n 3 for Handicap");
                   Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
                   smokingornot = keyboard.nextInt();
                   //smoking booking
                   if (smokingornot == 1)														//smoking room conditions
                       if (smokingroom <= 0)
                           System.out.println("Smoking room unavailable, please try"			//out of smoking rooms
                                   + "again.");
                           System.out.println(smokingroom + " " + "Smoking rooms "
                                   + "available.");												//smoking rooms are still available
                         System.out.println("Would you like to continue?\n"
                                   + "1 for yes\n"
                                   + "2 for no");
                           book1 = keyboard.nextInt();					//move to next part of program if user has made no errors
                          if (book1 == 2)
                              System.out.println("Room not booked, please restart");
                               smokingroom--;											//removes a smokingroom from count
                   //non-smoking booking
                   if (smokingornot == 2)
                       if (nonsmokingroom <= 0)
                           System.out.println("Non-Smoking room unavailable, please"
                                   + " try again.");
                           System.out.println(nonsmokingroom + " " + "Non-Smoking "
                                   + "rooms available.");
                           System.out.println("Would you like to continue?\n"
                                   + "1 for yes\n"
                                   + "2 for no");
                           book2 = keyboard.nextInt();											//user input to continue
                            if (book2 == 2)
                              System.out.println("Room not booked, please restart.");
                               nonsmokingroom--;									//removes a non smoking room from count
          //handicap booking
                   if (smokingornot == 3)
                       if (handicaproom <= 0)
                           System.out.println("No Handicap rooms available, please "
                                   + "try again.");
                           System.out.println(handicaproom + " " + "Handicap rooms "
                                   + "available.");
                           System.out.println("Would you like to continue?\n"
                                   + "1 for yes\n"
                                   + "2 for no");
                           book3 = keyboard.nextInt();											//gets userinput to continue
                          if (book3 == 2)
                              System.out.println("Room not booked, please restart.");
                               handicaproom--;									//removes a handicap room from count
                    System.out.println("What type of room would you like?\n"
                            + "1 for Single\n"
                            + "2 for Double\n"
                            + "3 for VIP");
                    roomtype = keyboard.nextInt();										        //assigns input to roomtype
                    if (roomtype == 1)													//single room arrangements
                        System.out.println("Single room arrangements will be made.");
                            finalprice = finalprice + singleroom;
                        if (roomtype == 2)												        //doubleroom arrangements
                           System.out.println("Double room arrangements will be made.");
                            if (roomtype == 3)
    						   System.out.println("VIP room arrangements will be made.");
                                   finalprice = finalprice + VIP;
                   System.out.println("How many nights will the guest be staying?\n"
                           + "Enter a number 1, 2, 3, etc.");									//prompt for number of nights stayed at hotel
                   stayday = keyboard.nextInt();												//assigns stayday a value
                  System.out.println("What type of rates should we apply?\n"
                          + "1 for Weekday\n"
                          + "2 for Weekend\n"
                          + "3 for Holiday");
                  staytype = keyboard.nextInt();												//assigns staytype a value
                {  if (staytype == 1)
                       finalprice = finalprice + weekdayrate;									//adds weekday rates
                      if (staytype == 2)
                          finalprice = finalprice + weekendrate;	
    																        //adds weekend rates
                           finalprice = finalprice + holidayrate;								        //adds holiday rates
                {  if (roomtype == 2)
    					finalprice = finalprice + roomroom;					      //adds double room rate to final price if necessary
    		        	finalprice = finalprice * stayday;							         //multiplies nights stayed to final price
            System.out.println("Your total is" + " " + finalprice);								//prints out final price

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need help with Hotel booking math.

    Define what "adding up right" would be. Show a sample run and describe how it should be different. Point to the code causing the problem, if possible.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help with Hotel booking math.

    A single room, one night stay, with a week day rate should come out to be 65. For some reason it shows 615, I have no idea whats messing it up o.Ojavaprobs.jpg

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with Hotel booking math.

    What are the numbers that should be added to get that total of 65? What variables are used in to do it?

    One problem I see in the code is there are NOT {}s to enclose the code following if statements. You should ALWAYS enclose the code following if statements and while/for loops to prevent confusion and errors.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need help with Hotel booking math.

    A key to understanding how to fix code to help someone is being able to duplicate their results. That usually requires knowing the inputs they've used to arrive at their results and understanding why the results are incorrect. That's why I asked for a sample run that you didn't provide. You can usually copy and paste from the console the results of your run to provide the sample run I've asked for, and that would answer Norm's question.

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