Can anybody help me with this exercise :
Write an application that displays the distances one can travel on a full tank of gasoline at different velocities. Use this formula to calculate distance travelled for a positive velocity, v:
distance = (40 + 0.05v - (0.06v)2) * capacity
where capacity is the size of the automobile's fuel tank. (Note: This simplistic formula assumes that the car has a one-gear transmission.)
The input to the application is the fuel tank's size; the output are the distances travelled (and the time taken to do so) for velocities 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 miles per hour. Display the answers graphically, so that the answers are pictures like this:
For a 10-gallon fuel tank:
40 m.p.h.: =================== -o--o-- 362.4 miles in 9.06 hours
60 m.p.h.: =============== -o--o-- 300.4 miles in 5.007 hours