Consider in a Document if a String " Hello" is Encoded and stored as "XYZAB"
I want to search the text on document for a word "Hello" and Replace the word with "HelloWorld"
The Program will encrypt the word "Hello" and Search the file then return the encrypted code as "XYZAB" Found
Now i have to replace the word "Hello" with "HelloWorld" in encrypted form so that the Letter "XYZABEFGHI" is replace in the place of Hello
where "World" is encoded as "EFGHI"
Now the Problem is If there is more number of occurrence of the word "Helloworld" exist in the file... How can i Replace only one particular occurrence What
can be done to select the particular occurrence.
Please Do Kindly Help me in sorting out the problem
i have attached my java program for Encryption along with this mail for your ease of use.
I Got struct here and cannot proceed further so please please kindly provide me a solution to proceed further...