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Thread: I have tried this many times and I don't get the correct code.

  1. #1
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    Default I have tried this many times and I don't get the correct code.

    Here is our assingment.
    I'm in an introductory to Java class, and I have this assignment.

    "Go to Page 19 of Chapter 30 of the CCSU Course. Use the HelloObject class and the HelloTester Class you see on that page as the starting point of this Assignment. Make modifications such that when you run main, these four messages are created :
    Good Morning World
    Good Afternoon World
    Good Evening World
    Good Night World
    Replace the name HelloTester by Assign4_{your last name }.
    Note that main should be creating 4 Objects. An object stores one greeting message."

    this is the HelloObject and HelloTester this assignment is talking about.

    class HelloObject
    String greeting;

    HelloObject( String st )
    greeting = st;

    void speak()
    System.out.println( greeting );

    class HelloTester
    public static void main ( String[] args )
    HelloObject anObject = new HelloObject("A Greeting!");

    I'm honestly not sure where to go from here when making the multiple objects.
    Can someone show me the correct code? I try and I get so many errors.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: I have tried this many times and I don't get the correct code.

    Also posted at: I have tried this many times and I don't get the correct code.

    This forum has the same policy and some of the same people as the other.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I have tried this many times and I don't get the correct code.

    Welcome to the forum! Please read this topic to learn how to post code in code or highlight tags and other useful info for newcomers.

    Please edit your post to post the code correctly.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: I have tried this many times and I don't get the correct code.

    You need to create objects within the HelloTester class. The code you submitted:

    class HelloTester
            public static void main ( String[] args )
                  HelloObject anObject = new HelloObject("A Greeting!");

    creates 1 object referenced by 'anObject'. You can create the remaining objects, either by creating more objects as above, but changing the variable name that references the object. i.e. 'anotherObject', or if you have been taught it yet, use loop conditions. i.e for loop.

    if you are unsure of creating the objects, within your main() method:

    class HelloTester
            public static void main ( String[] args )
                  HelloObject anObject = new HelloObject("A Greeting!");
                  HelloObject anotherObject = new HelloObject("Another Greeting!");
                  // the remaining objects would be put underneath. 

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