had a problem with this, so I write to you
Create a MySQL database library , with tables Knjige, Clanovi i Izdavanja.
Table Knjige should contain data Id, Naslov, Opis, Autor, Izdavač, GodinaIzdavanja.
Table Clanovi has columns Id, Ime, Prezime, MaticniBroj, DatumUclanjenja, Adresa, MestoStanovanja. .
Table Izdavanja column contains Id, DatumIVremeIzdavanja, IdKnjige, IdClana, BrojDana.
Create the appropriate class - Knjiga, Clan i Izdavanje - having the ability to manipulate certain tables within the database .
All three classes must contain attributes that will keep the status of individual buildings . Attributes must match the type and name of the column in the tables .
Make parameter constructor for each class . Do Override method toString ( ) to print the object state in plain text format .
In all classes write methods for manipulating tables within the database :
Method Getall to the database to read all the data, and returns a collection of objects of class in which it is located. This method should be static .
Method GetByID from the database to read the data on the basis of the given ID. There is one argument of type int, and returns an object of the appropriate class . This method is also a class ( static ) .
Method insert entered attribute values of the new object in the database , update updates the data , and delete data deleted information from the database . These methods are called instances of the class , and not static . They have no input arguments and return no value .
All exceptions should be processed within a class method using try / catch blocks
Note : To successfully done the task , it is necessary to do a minimum of SQL script and at least one class . Submit an archive that contains NetBeans project and SQL script
Here are all files, New WinRAR archive.rar