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Thread: Project help

  1. #1
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    Default Project help

    I have a project in which I have to add a clients name address,id number, and hours worked
    the second option is to check if the id exists print out the previous information if not to show a message to add client.

    I made a switch statement in the main method.
    in the client class i made a constructor to pass the name,id, address, hours worked and the idsearch

    I created a boolean method for the idsearching.

    I thought that a loop would be helpful after the boolean expressing to print out the information I just dont know how to write it.

    any help?
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Monroy_Client 
    	private String nam, adrs, num, idSearchNumber;
    	private int hrs;
    	public Monroy_Client(String name, String address, String idnumber, String idsearch, int hours)
    		nam = name;
    		adrs = address;
    		num = idnumber;
    		hrs =hours;
    		idSearchNumber = idsearch;
    	public void setName(String name)
    		nam = name;
    	public void setAddress(String address)
    		adrs = address;
    	public void setIdNumber(String idnumber)
    		num = idnumber;
    	public void setHours(int hours)
    		hrs = hours;
    	public void setIdSearchNumber(String idsearch)
    		idSearchNumber =idsearch;
    	public String getName()
    		return nam;
    	public String getAddress()
    		return adrs;
    	public String getIdNumber()
    		return num;
    	public String getIdSearchNumber()
    		return idSearchNumber;
    	public int getHours()
    		return hrs;
    	public boolean searchIdNumber(String idnumber, String idsearch )
    				return true;
    			return false;

    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.List;
    public class Monroy_PP1 
    	public static void main(String[] args) 
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		String name = null, address = null, id = null, idsearch = null;
    		int hoursWorked = 0;
    		Monroy_Client newClient = new Monroy_Client(name, address, id, idsearch, hoursWorked);
    		ArrayList<Monroy_Client> clients = new ArrayList<Monroy_Client>();
    		int selection = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Pick an option"
    				+ "\n1.- Add client"
    				+ "\n2.- Create Invoice"
    				+ "\n3.-Quit"));
    		case 1:
    			System.out.println("Enter Client's ID Number");
    			id = keyboard.nextLine();
    			System.out.println("Enter Client's name ");
    			name = keyboard.nextLine();
    			System.out.println("Enter Client's Address");
    			address = keyboard.nextLine();
    			System.out.println("Enter How many Hours Worked");
    			hoursWorked = keyboard.nextInt();
    		case 2:
    			JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Client's ID Number");
    			idsearch = keyboard.next();
    		case 3:

  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum! Thanks for taking the time to learn how to post code correctly. If you haven't already, please read this topic to learn other useful info for new members.

    What part specifically do you need help with? Ask specific questions that give us some idea what help you need.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Project help

    the second case where it performs the search.
    is the boolean method correctly?
    also if the boolean is true is suppose to print out previous information the name,etc..
    how can i do that?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Project help

    the second case where it performs the search.
    I don't think so, and I'm not sure that a single method that returns a boolean is the best approach. First, A method should take an id number as a parameter, compare that to each existing client's id number, and if the id number exists, return either the corresponding object or the object's index in the collection where it exists. If the id number doesn't already exist, then the program should accept data for that id number.
    also if the boolean is true is suppose to print out previous information
    Use program logic:
    if ( idNumberMatches( idNumber ) )
        // this statement assumes there is a toString() method:
        System.out.println( "" + monroy_ClientInstance );\

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to GregBrannon For This Useful Post:

    anniexd92 (March 8th, 2014)

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Project help

    I see thank you..
    One last question to make the class object and arrayList is that suppose to be before the switch statement or after it.

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Project help

    The client class should include a method that compares an id number and returns true or false. The ArrayList contains all instances of the client class to iterate and check for the desired id number. The method that checks the ArrayList of instances should be part of the tester class. All of this should be setup before the switch statement in the tester class, and then the switch statement reads the user's menu choice and determines what to do.

  8. #7
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    Default Project Not Working

    I'm suppose to create a program with 3 options
    1. add client
    which requires to get name, address, id number, and hours worked

    2.create invoice
    in which it will ask for the id to search and if its stored it will display all information if it doesn't
    it will display a message.


    I cant seem to store the information in the arrayList correctly, and secondly when choose the second option it asks for the id but then doesn't display anything.

    this are my codes

    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.List;
    public class Monroy_PP1 
    	public static void main(String[] args) 
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    		String name = null, address = null, id = null, idsearch = null;
    		int hoursWorked = 0;
    		Monroy_Client newClient = new Monroy_Client(name, address, id, hoursWorked);
    		ArrayList<Monroy_Client> clients = new ArrayList<Monroy_Client>();
    		int selection = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Pick an option"
    				+ "\n1.- Add client"
    				+ "\n2.- Create Invoice"
    				+ "\n3.-Quit"));
    		case 1:
    			System.out.println("Enter Client's ID Number");
    			id = keyboard.nextLine();
    			System.out.println("Enter Client's name ");
    			name = keyboard.nextLine();
    			System.out.println("Enter Client's Address");
    			address = keyboard.nextLine();
    			System.out.println("Enter How many Hours Worked");
    			hoursWorked = keyboard.nextInt();
    		case 2:
    			JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Client's ID Number");
    			idsearch = keyboard.next();
    			newClient.searchIdNumber(id, idsearch);
    		case 3:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Monroy_Client 
    	private String nam, adrs, num, idSearchNumber;
    	private int hrs;
    	public Monroy_Client(String name, String address, String idnumber, int hours)
    		nam = name;
    		adrs = address;
    		num = idnumber;
    		hrs =hours;
    	public void setName(String name)
    		nam = name;
    	public void setAddress(String address)
    		adrs = address;
    	public void setIdNumber(String idnumber)
    		num = idnumber;
    	public void setHours(int hours)
    		hrs = hours;
    	public String getName()
    		return nam;
    	public String getAddress()
    		return adrs;
    	public String getIdNumber()
    		return num;
    	public int getHours()
    		return hrs;
    	public void searchIdNumber(String idnumber, String idsearch )
    			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "CLient not found please add Client");
    	public  String toString()
    		String output = nam +"\n" + adrs + "\n" + num + "\n" + hrs;
    		return output;

  9. #8
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    Default Re: Project help

    This are the methods I added to search for the ID
    public void searchIdNumber(String idnumber, String idsearch )
    			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "CLient not found please add Client");
    	public  String toString()
    		String output = nam +"\n" + adrs + "\n" + num + "\n" + hrs;
    		return output;

    in the tester class the 2 case in the switch statement looks like this

    	case 2:
    			JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Client's ID Number");
    			idsearch = keyboard.next();
    			newClient.searchIdNumber(id, idsearch);

  10. #9
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project Not Working

    I cant seem to store the information in the arrayList correctly,
    Can you explain? Are there error messages? Copy the full text and post it here.
    Is the output wrong? Copy the output, paste it here and add comments describing what you want it to be.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  11. #10
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    Default Re: Project Not Working

    There aren't any error messages but when I run the program I type information and when I go and look for the ID number it doesn't display anything its just blank but it keeps running the program.

  12. #11
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project Not Working

    it keeps running the program.
    Where is the code executing? Add some println() statements to show where the code is executing.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  13. #12
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    Default Re: Project Not Working

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Where is the code executing? Add some println() statements to show where the code is executing.
    That's the thing I dont Know where it is executing. Supposedly it should be doing the searchIDNumber method

  14. #13
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Project Not Working

    I dont Know where it is executing
    Add println statements that print messages when they are executed. That will show you where the code is executing. For example:
    System.out.println("at start of loop1");
    System.out.println("at start of switch");
    System.out.println("at end of switch");
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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