System.out.println("Are there more customers? Type Yes or No") ; [B]answer=keyboard.readLine() ;[/B] if (customerSubtotal>largestSubtotal) { largestSubtotal= customerSubtotal ; } if (customerSubtotal<smallestSubtotal) { smallestSubtotal= customerSubtotal ; } }while (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")); System.out.println("Daily total today: $"+dailyTotal) ; System.out.println("Number of items sold today: "+itemTotal) ; System.out.println("Customers that came today: "+customerCounter) ; System.out.println("Largest item of the day: $"+largestItem) ; System.out.println("Smallest item of the day: $"+smallestItem) ; System.out.println("Largest subtotal of the day: $"+largestSubtotal) ; System.out.println("Smallest subtotal of the day: $"+smallestSubtotal) ; } }
I need to switch the bolded part so it will work with to import java.util.*; but I'm not sure how to do that. Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Thanks for the help!