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Thread: Adding logo into my program

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Adding logo into my program

    So I am trying to add a logo to my existing program. However nothing shows up when I run it. I am getting no errors and everything else seems to be fine. Can some one tell me what I am missing?

    This is just the logo part if you need the whole code it will be separate (just trying to make things easier.
    class Logo extends JPanel {
    		public Logo() {
    			setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,200));
    		public void paint(Graphics g) {
    			g.drawString("DEAD BUG", 70, 105);
    Here is the entire program.
     import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.lang.String;
    import static java.lang.System.out;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    // all imports for program
    public class InventoryProgram
    	// main method begins program execution
    	public static void main(String args[] )
    		// display a welcome message to the InventoryProgram to user
    		System.out.println( "Welcome to Inventory Program!" );
    		//Supplies[] supplies = new Supplies[100]; // an array of 100 supplies
    		 * Use Child class array
    		Manufacturer[] supplies = new Manufacturer[5]; // an array of 100 supplies
    		Supplies Maverick = new Supplies( 001, "Maverick", 60, 2.75 );          
    		Supplies Termidor = new Supplies( 002, "Termidor", 75, 1.25 );
    		Supplies Bithor = new Supplies( 003, "Bithor", 30, 4.75 );
    		Supplies Demon = new Supplies( 004, "Demon", 15, 5.25 );
    		Supplies DeltaDust = new Supplies( 005, "Delta Dust", 45, 3.50 );
    		//Adding Child objects to the array
    		supplies[0] = new Manufacturer( 001, "Maverick", 60, 2.75, "Univar inc." );          
    		supplies[1] = new Manufacturer( 002, "Termidor", 75, 1.25, "Dupont" );
    		supplies[2] = new Manufacturer( 003, "Bithor", 30, 4.75, "Bayer" );
    		supplies[3] = new Manufacturer( 004, "Demon", 15, 5.25, "Dow Chemicals" );
    		supplies[4] = new Manufacturer( 005, "Delta Dust", 45, 3.50, "Ipsothor" );
    		// display the inventories one at a time
    		for(int i = 0; i < supplies.length; ++i){
    		NewJFrame gui = new NewJFrame(); //Call GUI
    		gui.addData(supplies);  //Passing Data to the GUI
    	} // end method main
    }     // end class InventoryProgram     
    // Office Supplies
    class Supplies
    	private int SuppliesNumber;
    	private String SuppliesName = new String();
    	private int SuppliesUnits;
    	private double SuppliesPrice;
    	// set supplies number
    	public void setSuppliesNumber( int number )
    		this.SuppliesNumber = number;
    	} // end method set supplies number
    	// return supplies number
    	public float getSuppliesNumber()
    		return SuppliesNumber;
    	} // end method get supplies number
    	// set supplies name
    	public void setSuppliesName( String name )
    		this.SuppliesName = name;
    	} // end method set supplies name
    	// return supplies name
    	public String getSuppliesName()
    		return SuppliesName;
    	} // end method get supplies name
    	// set supplies in stock
    	public void setSuppliesUnits( int units )
    		this.SuppliesUnits = units;
    	} // end method set supplies units
    	// return supplies units
    	public int getSuppliesUnits()
    		return SuppliesUnits;
    	} // end method get supplies units
    	// set supplies price
    	public void setSuppliesPrice( double price )
    		this.SuppliesPrice = price;
    	} // end method set supplies price
    	// return supplies price
    	public double getSuppliesPrice()
    		return SuppliesPrice;
    	} // end method get supplies price
    	// calculate supplies inventory value
    	public double getValue()
    		return SuppliesUnits * SuppliesPrice;
    	} // end method supplies inventory value 
    	// four-argument constructor
    	Supplies( int number, String name, int units, double price )
    		SuppliesNumber = number;
    		SuppliesName = name;
    		SuppliesUnits = units;
    		SuppliesPrice = price;
    	} // end four-argument constructor
    	// display inventory
    	public void showInventory()
    		System.out.println(); // outputs blank line
    		System.out.println( "Product Number:  "+SuppliesNumber );
    		System.out.println( "Product Name:  "+SuppliesName );
    		System.out.println( "Number of Units:  "+SuppliesUnits );
    		System.out.printf( "Unit Price:  $%.2f", SuppliesPrice );
    		// value() method and display the value
    		System.out.printf( "\nInventory value of "+SuppliesName+ " is = $%.2f\n",
    				getValue() );     
    	} // end display inventory
    	//return String representation of suppliesManufacturer
    	public String toString()
    		String formatString =  String.format("Product Number:  %d \n", SuppliesNumber);
    		formatString += String.format("Product Name:  %s \n", SuppliesName);
    		formatString += String.format("Number of Units:  %d \n", SuppliesUnits);
    		formatString += String.format("Units Price:  $%.2f \n", SuppliesPrice);
    		return( formatString);
    	} // end toString()	
    } // end class supplies
    class Manufacturer extends Supplies
    	// holds the supplies manufacturer
    	private String suppliesManufacturer;
    	// five-argument constructor
    	Manufacturer( int number, String name, int units, double price, String manufacturer )
    		super( number, name, units, price );
    		suppliesManufacturer = manufacturer;
    	}   // end five-argument constructor
    	// set supplies manufacturer
    	public void setManufacturer( String manufacturer )
    		this.suppliesManufacturer = manufacturer;
    	} // end method set supplies manufacturer
    	// return supplies manufacturer
    	public String getManufacturer()
    		return suppliesManufacturer;
    	}   // end method get supplies manufacturer
    	// add 5% restocking fee
    	public double getValue()
    		return super.getValue() * 1.05;
    	} // end method return supplies manufacturer
    	// calculate restocking fee
    	public double getRestockingFee()
    		return super.getValue() * .05;
    	} //end method calculate restocking fee
    	//return String representation of suppliesManufacturer
    	public String toString()
    		String formatString = super.toString();
    		formatString += "Manufacturer:  %s \n";
    		formatString += "Restocking Fee:  $%.2f \n";
    		formatString += "Inventory Value:  $%.2f \n";
    		formatString = String.format( formatString, suppliesManufacturer,
    				getRestockingFee(), getValue());
    		return( formatString);
    	} // end toString()
    	// display inventory
    	public void showInventory()
    		System.out.println( toString() );
    	} // end method display inventory
    }// end class manufacturer
    // Start of GUI class 
    class NewJFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        private JTextArea area; //Define Needed Objects and Variables
        private JButton next;
        private static int count = 0;
        //Keep track of current item which helps with button logic
        private JButton back;
        private JButton first;
        private JButton last;
        private Manufacturer[] info; //Declare Array
        //Constructor that runs when object is created
        public NewJFrame()
            setTitle("GUI"); //Set GUI Title
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(); //Use JPanel to hold ifo
            area = new JTextArea(12, 20); //Set JTextArea Size
            panel.add(area); //Add to JPanel
            next = new JButton("Next"); //create JButton
            back = new JButton("Back"); 
            first = new JButton("First"); 
            last = new JButton ("Last"); 
            // creates all buttons.
            panel.add(next); //Add Button to JPanel
            add(panel); //Add JPanel to JFrame
    		//adds the JPanels to JFrame for buttons.
            ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();
            //Create Button Handler Object
            first.addActionListener(handler); // THESE TWO ARE NOT WORKING!!!!
            last.addActionListener(handler);  //SEE ABOVE NOTE
            //Add Action Listener for JButton to Handler
            setSize(375, 275); // Set JFrame Size
            setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Default Operation on Close
            setLocationRelativeTo(null); //Center On Desktop
            setVisible(true); // Allow JFrame to be seen                      
       	 } //End Constructor
    	//Nested Class Handler for Button Clicks
        private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) //Check Action
                String text = (String)event.getActionCommand();
                    //Get Text From Button
                if (event.getSource() == next)
                //Check Button Source
                    //Check count to determine if increment to next item is desired
                    if (count == info.length) // "Next Item" until last
                        count = 0;
                    } //end if
                } //end if / else
                if (event.getSource() == back)
    	            if (count == info.length)
                	count = 0;
                if (event.getSource() == first)
                if (event.getSource() == last)
                updateView(); //Update View to next item
            } //End Method
        } //end nested class 
        public void updateView() //Update info to JTextArea of GUI
            //Set data for viewing in the JTextArea area
            area.setText("Item: \n\n");
            //Call toString information
        //Reassign Array Created in main method to info Array
        public void addData(Manufacturer[] manuf)
            info = manuf; //set info array to passed mi array
            count = 0; //ensure count is on 1st item of array
            updateView(); //Show 1st Item by updating view
    class Logo extends JPanel {
    		public Logo() {
    			setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,200));
    		public void paint(Graphics g) {
    			g.drawString("DEAD BUG", 70, 105);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    Where are you expecting the logo to be shown?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    To be honest the instructions for the assignment do not say where it needs to be shown. all I know is that I must have a logo added to the program and it must be seen when the program runs. Other than that it was "keep it as simple as possible". So anywhere is good for me.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    I didn't verify which container you are using as the application's main window, but if it's a JFrame, you can set the icon image using setIconImage().

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    I don not understand what you are telling me. Yes I used JFrame and JLabel. I just want something simple to basically Display a Text based Logo (i.e. "DEAD BUG"). If I use setIconImage(), will it allow for that , and how would I add that to my program. Your suggestion has not been covered in my class so I am not aware of how to use it.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    So anywhere is good for me
    Then it's your decision where you want to show it.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    I misunderstood. Usually associating a 'logo' with a program means to feature a graphic or icon somewhere in the program's graphical interface. One way to accomplish that, probably the simplest, is the way I suggested. We are not aware of your limitations unless you tell us, so we're likely to suggest what we know, not what you're allowed to know and/or use.

    Inspecting at your code more closely, I see you're making other basic mistakes that should be corrected in order to display a JLabel with the text, "DEAD BUG".

    1. Do not override the paint() method as you do in class Logo. Instead, override the paintComponent() method.

    2. The default layout for a JFrame is BorderLayout, and components added to a BorderLayout are added to the center of the layout by default.

    3. Only one component at a time can occupy a specific layout area, so the last item added is shown while any others previously added become irrelevant. Your code that modifies a component, adds it, modifies it, adds it, etc., is unnecessary.

    You should be able to complete your interface as desired by referring to the documentation for BorderLayout and using it properly.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    Ok I see what you are saying now. I don't mean to sound like you guys should know what I need. Just some times You guys give suggestions that are way beyond my skill level, and I know for ya'll that is a basic and simple answer to my question. I hate how segmented this class is as I was unaware of the way you suggested until I looked further into my text and see when we talk about drawing and making images. I some times get so lost I am just fusrtated and want to quit, But I don't.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Adding logo into my program

    Understand. To help us suggest solutions that are within the bounds of what you can use, try to describe what you're trying to do as specifically as possible including any guidance you've been given or limitations that you're aware of. I know it's hard when you don't know what you don't know, but keep in mind that we don't know what you don't know either.

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