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Thread: Arrays and files

  1. #1
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    Default Arrays and files

    This is the questions:
    A multiple-choice examination consists of twenty questions. Each question has five
    choices, labelled A, B, C, D and E. The first line of data contains the correct
    answers to the twenty questions in the first 20 consecutive character positions, for
    Each subsequent line contains the answers for a candidate. Data on a line consists
    of a candidate number (an integer), followed by one or more spaces, followed by
    the twenty answers given by the candidate in the next twenty consecutive character
    positions. An X is used if a candidate did not answer a particular question. You
    may assume all data are valid and stored in a file exam.dat. A sample line is:
    There are at most 100 candidates. A line containing a “candidate number” 0 only
    indicates the end of the data.
    Points for a question are awarded as follows:– correct answer: 4 points; wrong
    answer: -1 point; no answer: 0 points
    Write a program to process the data and print a report consisting of candidate
    number and the total points obtained by the candidate, in ascending order by
    candidate number. At the end, print the average number of points gained by the

    This my solution:
    package worksheet6Quest21;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class MultipleChoiceExam {
    	//declares constants
    	//final static int MaxCandidates = 100;
    	final static int MaxAnswers = 20;// there are only 20 correct answers to the 20 questions
    	final static int correctAns = 4;// points for answers
    	final static int wrongAns = -1;
    	final static int noAns = 0;
    	public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
    	Scanner in = new Scanner (new FileReader ("exam.dat"));	
    	char [] answerArray = new char[MaxAnswers+1];//array that stores the correct answers
    	int numOfCharacters;
    	char candidateAns;
    	int candidateNum;
    	//iniitializing the array
    	for(int i = 0; i < answerArray.length; i++)
    		answerArray[i] = ' ';
    	candidateNum = in.nextInt();// reads candidate number
        }//end main	
    	//Sub Methods
        //Store the list of characters for the answer and returns the number of characters stored
        public static int storeWords(Scanner in, char [] answerArray) throws IOException{
        	int i = 1;
        	while(in.hasNext() && i <= MaxAnswers){
        		answerArray[i] = in.next().charAt(0);
        	return i+1;
        //Correct answers- returns the number of correct answers
        public static int checkAnswer(char[] answerArray, char[] candidateAns, char c){
    		//Test candidate answer against correct answer
        	int correctCount =0;
        	int wrongCount = 0;
        	int noAnsCount = 0;
        	int totalPoints = 0;
        	int highestPoints = 0;
    		for(int k = 0; k < answerArray.length; k++){
    			if (Character.toLowerCase(c) == Character.toLowerCase(answerArray[k])){
    				//Tests if candidate answer is correct
    				if (candidateAns[k]== Character.toLowerCase(c));
    					correctCount ++; //increment number of correct answers
    			if (Character.toLowerCase(c) != Character.toLowerCase(answerArray[k])) {	
    				//Tests if candidate answer is wrong or no answer was given
    				if (candidateAns[k] != Character.toLowerCase(c));
    					wrongCount ++; //increment number of wrong answers
    			    if (candidateAns[k] != Character.toLowerCase(c) && candidateAns[k] ==' ');
    					noAnsCount ++; // increment number of no answers
    			totalPoints= ((correctCount * correctAns) + (wrongCount * wrongAns) + (noAnsCount * noAns));
    			if (totalPoints > highestPoints)//finds highest points
    				highestPoints = totalPoints;
    				highestPointscandidate = candidateNum;
    		}//end for

    My problems:
    1.linking the main to the checkAns method
    2.how do I correctly read the candidate numbers

    Haven't attempted the ascending order part because I don't know how to store the highest points and candidate numbers in a array.

    please help.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Arrays and files

    how do I correctly read the candidate numbers
    If the numbers are first on a new line and end with a space, read the line and split it, the number will be the first element in the array.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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