I have a source code here that counts the frequency of alphabetic characters and non-alphabetic characters (see the source code below).
import java.io.*; public class letterfrequency { public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException { File file1 = new File ("letternumberfrequency.txt"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (file1)); int nextChar; int other = 0; char ch; int [] count = new int [26]; while ((nextChar = in.read())!= -1) { ch = ((char)nextChar); ch = Character.toLowerCase (ch); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') count [ch- 'a']++; else other ++; } for (int i=0; i<26; i++){ System.out.printf ("%c = %d \n", i+ 'A', count [i]); } System.out.println ("Non-alphabetic characters: " + other); in.close (); } }
But, let's just say that now I have the following characters in the text file, "letternumberfrequency.txt":
71 geese - 83 cars - 58 cows- 64 mooses- 100 ants- 69 bangles- 90 molehills - 87 noses
The numbers inside that text file would be considered as strings, am I right?
But I want to extract the numbers so that I can also be able to count their frequency - not as individual digits but as whole numbers (that is how many "71", "83", "58", "64", etc. are there...).
Would using "Double.parseDouble ()" help?