prompts user for the grades of each of the students and saves them an int array called grades. Your program shall check that the grade is between 0 and 100. program should then check if the grade is equal to or greater than 50, where 50 is the pass rate.
A sample output :
Enter the number of students: 3
Enter the grade for student 1: 55
Enter the grade for student 2: 108
Invalid grade, try again...
Enter the grade for student 2: 56
Enter the grade for student 3: 57
The average is 56.0
The maximum is 57
The minimum grade is 55
The number of fails is 0
The number of passes is 3
im quiet stuck on this one. I be pleased if I can get as much help as I can or some examples shown to me ..
our lecturer hasn't thought us a lot about java coding and now all of us are lost this is on of our projects we have to do.