Hi every one!
I am just not sure of some theory in collections, I'm just a less than a year java programmer.
Most people in the internet said, ArrayList and LinkedList maximum capacity depends on the memory allocated to the JVM. But according to few people those list has a maximum capacity of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
According to my experiment, those list has a maximum capacity of Integer.MAX_VALUE since the get method of List accept a parameter of int primitive type (index of element), therefore we can conclude that the maximum capacity of List is equal to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
But what about the Map? get() method of map accepts object(the key of the map). So does it mean that the maximum capacity of Map depends on the memory allocated to our JVM? Or its maximum size is Integer.MAX_VALUE also just like Lists and Arrays? Is there a way to prove it? Is Map designed to hold infinite number of data (disregarding the heap memory space exception)?
And also about Stack, Deque? is it also the same as Map (in terms of maximum capacity)?