javax.swing.Timer is not appropriate for what you're doing. I won't explain why here, but if you're interested, read the API.
The java.util.Timer and an accompanying TimerTask is what you should use. Here's an example of code that creates an instance of a TimerTask and Timer to do what you've described. See if you can write the accompanying TimerTask class. Hint: It looks somewhat like your actionPerformed() method but as a run() method in another class.
// countingTask is a TimerTask that simply displays a count 1, 2, 3, . . . CountingTask countingTask = new CountingTask(); // create a Timer object Timer countTimer = new Timer(); // schedule the countTimer to do the countingTask every second // after a 0-second delay countTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate( countingTask, 0L, 1000L );