can you please provide some code that how i can get the data from a file, for a key that have multiple values without using split method
and i want to store that data in an array
file name:"new.txt"[contains below data],,
I am successfully able to do this using following code
Properties props = new Properties();
String configFilePath = (Cjava_confignew.txt);
props.load(new FileReader(configFilePath));
String TestName = props.getProperty(Name);
String test[] = TestName.split(,);
Now i just want to store the values for key "Name" in array without using TestName.split(,); but i am not able to do this.
I have also used .yml file to avoid this but did not succeed please provide some way to do this
file name test.yml
i want to store multiple values for single key(Name) within the array