My request 1.Application must admit at most 15 competitors.
2.Data of competitor will be saved in two dimensional array , In first dimension
save the serial number of the competitor in the second dimension should be placed and saved time of competitor in seconds for example 98sec , 120 sec etj
i dont know where is my import
javax.swing.*; public class SkiRace { public void Kandidati(int a,int b) { int Candidate = 15; int a = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Put the serial number "); int b = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Put the time of Competitor "); int [][] cand = new Candidate[Garuesit]; // Pjesa e inicializimit te kandidateve: for(int i =0; i<cand.length; i++){ cand[i]=new Candidate(); cand[j]=new Candidate(); cand[i].setName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Numri rendor i kandidateve "+i)); cand[i].setName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog (" Koha e garuesit "+j)); } } public static void main(String [] args) { SkiRace k = new SkiRace (); k.Kandidati(5,6); } }