sofar:pseudo code
Read customer file
Get TaxCode
Get GSTAmount SalesTax
Calculate SalesTax
Process customer record
Read cust name, Sales Amount, TaxCode
If TaxCode = 0 Then
Let tax amt = 0
ElseIf tax code = 1 Then
Let tax amt = Sales Amount * 0.05
ElseIf tax code = 2 Then
Let tax amt = Sales Amount * 0.10
Let TotalSalesAmount = SalesAmount+Tax amt
Then Display “CustomerID,Name,SalesAmount,SalesTax,TotalSa lesAm ount”
You have been given an algorithm of sorts in the description. Implement each line in Java and add bits to it
to make it work correctly. Do one small part at a time, test that and make sure it works before moving on to
the next part. Ask if you need help.
Wishes Ada xx