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Thread: Java Code to download attachments from lotus notes

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Java Code to download attachments from lotus notes

    I need to write a java application which can download attachments from lotus notes. I have a mailbox configured which gets only attachment based mails.
    Is this possible? If yes, then please help me..

    I have a code which is like this ...

    import lotus.domino.*;
    public class NotesJavaShell extends AgentBase{
    // Public fields.
    // Local vars
    private Session session;
    private Database database;  
    // Constructors
    public NotesJavaShell(){    // default constructor, without run context
    public NotesJavaShell(Session s, Database d) { // when we know the run context
        this.session = s; 
        this.database = d;
    // Start here when run from Eclipse.
    public static void main(String[] args) {    
        Session sess=null; 
        Database db=null;
        NotesJavaShell ag;
        // Initialize Notes
        try {
            sess = NotesFactory.createSession();  // start a Notes session
            db = sess.getDatabase("", Constants.DEFAULT_HOME_DB);  // simulate home database for agent
            ag = new NotesJavaShell(sess, db);  // simulate agent object with session and database
            ag.NotesMain();   // call main routine of agent
        catch(NotesException ne) {
            System.out.println(ne.id + " " + ne.text);
        catch (Exception e) {
        finally {
            try { 
                if (db != null) db.recycle(); 
                if (sess != null) sess.recycle(); 
            catch (Exception x) {}
    } // end main
    // This routine is called however the code is run: from Eclipse or agent launch within Notes/Domino.
    public void NotesMain()
        Log notesLog=null;
        Session sess=null;
        Database db=null;
        AgentContext ac=null;
        Utilities util;
        int logLevel;
        try {
            if (this.session != null)   // Already have an agent context.  
                sess = this.session;
                db = this.database;
            else {  // Need to get agent context.  
                sess = this.getSession();
                if (sess==null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not get current session at start of agent.");
                ac = sess.getAgentContext();
                if (ac==null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not get agent context at start of agent.");
                db = ac.getCurrentDatabase();
                if (db==null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not get current database at start of agent.");
        catch(NotesException ne) {
            System.out.println(ne.id + " " + ne.text);
        catch (Exception e) {
        finally {};
        // The truly common code, however we are invoked.
        try {
            // Get utilities.
            util = new Utilities();     
            // Record the session so other objects can use it.
            // Find all the runtime parameters.
            // Start a Notes log.
            notesLog = util.getNotesLog();
            logLevel = util.getLogLevel();
            if (Constants.CONSOLE_OUTPUT) System.out.println("Agent started. " + Constants.BUILD_STAMP);
            if (logLevel >= Constants.LOG_LEVEL_BRIEF) notesLog.logAction ("Agent started. " + Constants.BUILD_STAMP);  
            // ******* Do the real work here ********
            System.out.println (db.getTitle());  // print title of home database, to prove we got the agent context correctly
            // ******* Do the real work here ********
            // All done with no errors.
            if (logLevel >= Constants.LOG_LEVEL_BRIEF) notesLog.logAction ("Agent done with no errors.");
            if (Constants.CONSOLE_OUTPUT) System.out.println("Agent done with no errors.");
            } // try
        // Catch Notes exceptions from main code.
        catch(NotesException ne) {
            if (Constants.CONSOLE_OUTPUT) System.out.println("Notes error code " + ne.id + ". " + ne.text);
            try {
                notesLog.logError (ne.id, ne.text);  // Notes log may not be valid, but give it a try
            catch (Exception x) {}
        // Catch non-Notes exceptions from main code.
        catch (Exception x) {
            if (Constants.CONSOLE_OUTPUT) System.out.println("Error: " + x.getMessage());
            if (Constants.CONSOLE_OUTPUT)   x.printStackTrace();
            try {
                notesLog.logError (NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, x.getMessage());  // Notes log may not be valid, but give it a try
            catch (Exception x2) {}
        // Do cleanup from main code block.
        finally { 
            try {
                if (notesLog!=null) notesLog.close(); 
                if (notesLog!=null) notesLog.recycle(); 
                // cannot recycle the AgentContext, Session or Database, since they may have been passed in by Notes.
            catch (Exception x){}
            } // finally
    } // NotesMain
    } // main class
    import lotus.domino.*;
    public class Utilities {
    // Class fields, shared by all objects.
    private static Session session;  
    private static Log notesLog = null;     
    private static String logDbPath = "";  
    private static String logName = "";  
    private static int logLevel;  
    // Constructor
    Utilities () {
    // Hold Notes session info so all objects can share it.
    public void setSession (Session s) {
        session = s;
    public Session getSession () {
    // Return the Notes log, or start a new one.
    public Log getNotesLog () throws NotesException {
        if (notesLog != null)
        else {
            notesLog = session.createLog(logName);
            if (notesLog==null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not create NotesLog object in NotesSession.");
            notesLog.openNotesLog(Constants.LOG_SERVER, logDbPath);
    // Get all program parameters, storing them in class variables here.
    public void readParameters() throws NotesException{
        Database configDb;
        View configView = null;
        Document configDoc = null;
        String configDbPath = "";
        String logLevelString = "";  
        // Get the Notes.ini variable that holds the filename of the configuration database.
        configDbPath = session.getEnvironmentString(Constants.CONFIG_DB_INI, false); // not system var, add $
        // If the INI is not found, use the default path for the config db.
        if (configDbPath.compareTo("")==0) configDbPath = Constants.CONFIG_DB_DEFAULT;
        // Open the config db.
        configDb = session.getDatabase(Constants.CONFIG_SERVER, configDbPath); 
        if (!(configDb.isOpen())) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not open configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        // Open the view of configuration documents.
        configView = configDb.getView(Constants.CONFIG_VIEW); 
        if (configView == null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not open view " + Constants.CONFIG_VIEW + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        // Get the configurations that relates to logging.
        configDoc = configView.getDocumentByKey(Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGDB);
        if (configDoc == null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not find the setting " + Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGDB + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        logDbPath = configDoc.getItemValueString(Constants.CONFIG_VALUE_FIELD);
        if (logDbPath.compareTo("")==0) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not find the setting " + Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGDB + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        if (configDoc!=null) configDoc.recycle();
        configDoc = configView.getDocumentByKey(Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGNAME);
        if (configDoc == null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not find the setting " + Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGNAME + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        logName = configDoc.getItemValueString(Constants.CONFIG_VALUE_FIELD);
        if (logName.compareTo("")==0) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not find the setting " + Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGNAME + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        if (configDoc!=null) configDoc.recycle();
        configDoc = configView.getDocumentByKey(Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGLEVEL);
        if (configDoc == null) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not find the setting " + Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGLEVEL + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        logLevelString = configDoc.getItemValueString(Constants.CONFIG_VALUE_FIELD);
        if (logLevelString.compareTo("")==0) throw new NotesException(NotesError.NOTES_ERR_ERROR, "Could not find the setting " + Constants.CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGLEVEL + " in the configuration database " + configDbPath + ".");
        if (configDoc!=null) configDoc.recycle();
        // Change the logging level to a number.
        if (logLevelString.compareToIgnoreCase(Constants.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_STRING)==0) 
            logLevel = Constants.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;
        else if (logLevelString.compareToIgnoreCase(Constants.LOG_LEVEL_BRIEF_STRING)==0) 
            logLevel = Constants.LOG_LEVEL_BRIEF;
        else if (logLevelString.compareToIgnoreCase(Constants.LOG_LEVEL_FULL_STRING)==0) 
            logLevel = Constants.LOG_LEVEL_FULL;
            logLevel = Constants.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;
        // ***** Get other setup parameters here. *********
        // Clean up.
        if (configDoc!=null) configDoc.recycle();
        if (configView!=null) configView.recycle();
        if (configDb!=null) configDb.recycle();
        } // readParameters()
    // Simple getItems() for configuration. Some settings don't need a get(), if it is only used
    // within this class to define a larger parameter.
    public int getLogLevel () {
    // ***** Add getItems() for other setup parameters here. *********
    public class Constants {
    // Version stamp.
    final static String BUILD_STAMP = "Build 5, dated 04 June 2010.";
     * For test setup. 
    final static boolean CONSOLE_OUTPUT = true;
    final static String DEFAULT_HOME_DB = "names.nsf"; // when running from Eclipse, the "home" db of the agent
     * Parameters that are NOT user configurable. 
    // Assume all databases are on current machine.
    final static String CONFIG_SERVER = "";       
    final static String LOG_SERVER = "";
    final static String SOURCE_SERVER = "";
    // Logging control
    final static String LOG_LEVEL_NONE_STRING = "0";  // not implemented, we always do at least ERROR logging
    final static String LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_STRING = "1";
    final static String LOG_LEVEL_BRIEF_STRING = "2";
    final static String LOG_LEVEL_FULL_STRING = "3";
    final static int LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 0;  
    final static int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 1;
    final static int LOG_LEVEL_BRIEF = 2;
    final static int LOG_LEVEL_FULL = 3;
    // ********** Add other non-user-configurable parameters here. **********
     * To get parameters that ARE user configurable. 
    final static String CONFIG_DB_INI = "NotesJavaSetup";   
    final static String CONFIG_DB_DEFAULT = "notes_java_setup.nsf";   
    final static String CONFIG_VIEW = "SettingsByName";             
    final static String CONFIG_VALUE_FIELD = "Values";
    final static String CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGDB = "Log Database";
    final static String CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGNAME = "Log Name";
    final static String CONFIG_LOOKUP_LOGLEVEL = "Log Level";
    // ********** Add the names of other user-configurable parameters here. These are the parameter names
    // ********** as they appear in the configuration database. *********
    // Constructor
    Constants () {}

    As I said i have a mail box configured.. What should I place in config_server, log_server, source_server? Please Help..

    I am getting an error as : Notes error code 4000. Could not open configuration database
    Last edited by singhnk; July 10th, 2014 at 10:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Code to download attachments from lotus notes

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:
    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.

    Notes error code 4000. Could not open configuration database
    Not many people will have the package that this code uses. You will have to read its API doc to see what that error means.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Java Code to download attachments from lotus notes

    Is their a different method to achieve this. Please Help.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java Code to download attachments from lotus notes

    Sorry, I don't know anything about lotus notes.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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